To My Adopted Siblings: You Are Now My Whole World
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To My Adopted Siblings: You Are Now My Whole World

I wasn't ready for someone to take the spotlight away from me, but now you are my world.

To My Adopted Siblings: You Are Now My Whole World
Madison Weaver

Some odd years ago, my parents informed me of their decision to adopt and although I was way to little to comprehend a single word they were saying to me...they tried. They tried to explain to me that this meant I was going to have another sibiling.

I was confused and nervous for this new adventure in our lives and didn't know what we were in store for. I wasn't ready for someone new to take the spotlight away from me and had already developed some jealousy because of it. However, the decision to adopt not just one but THREE brothers was one of the best decisions my parents could have made for our family. It truly opened our eyes to love others for who they are and to be open to the new experiences that may come about in our lives.

I can remember the day my brothers came into our house so clearly because of how excited I was to show them who was the boss. My parents adopted my big brother Cole first, we were both babies and soon became crib buddies. It didn't take long before I had mastered the art of stealing and exchanging my old toys for his news toys (muwahaha). Our young glorious days consisted of Cole telling me to, "phot it Madi, phot it," which I later learned that he actually meant "stop it Madi, stop it." Sorry Cole. Being about a year apart was awesome. I had a big brother to look after me in school, to cheer on at all of his football games, and most importantly I just simply now had a brother.

Then came two more, yes two more brothers! Nick and Sasha are biological brothers and now were MY brothers, lucky them or lucky me, take it either way I guess. Sasha or as I refer to him, Sushi, is my other half and the baby of the family. He is rotten to the core but we both share that quality so it worked out pretty dang well.

Our young days were filled with taking turns sitting in the laundry basket together, or on the stairs always asking Mom to take our picture (thats how we captured this adorable gem). As we got older I became your helping hand; helping you with school work, girls, friends and figuring out how to unlock the tv after mom and dad had put a password on it. After all, whenever one of us got in trouble at least we had the other to blame as well... we were uhhhhh.... partners in crime as they call it.

Nick and I are buddies, yes buddies. He was quiet and shy at first and it took a lot of warming up before he was confident in my ability to love him and be his sister. After coming around he became my best friend. I was able to manipulate him, in a good way I should add, to play with whatever toy I wanted to. His selflessness didn't stop there as he would look through magazines of toys and pick out toys we would like and would never ever tell mom and dad what he wanted, he is pretty awesome.

I was so happy to acquire another big brother who I knew would protect and shield me from all of the things life throws at you, and Nick did just that. Although he was quiet throughout high school I knew if I needed someone to help me, support me, or anything else for that matter, Nick was always there. I was amazed at how he immersed himself into sports and the arts by just being naturally talented at them, something that never came quick to me. I was for sure a bit jealous of you, but proud of everything you ended up accomplishing.

Along the way our family picked up on slight Russian and never went to bed without saying goodnight, I love you... in Russian. We messed up along the way like when mom was trying to tell you guys the bird was dirty in Russian but ended up telling you the bird was hot and Nick corrected her, or when Cole decided to convince himself and Nick to ride a different bus because he didn't like that number since it correlated to his least favorite Nascar driver. But without you guys, I wouldn't be as open to new things and as confident in our family, or myself. Putting aside all of the challenges along the way I can confidently say you guys are truly the biggest blessing that was put into my life.

You guys are going to do great things in this world, I have no doubt about it.

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