The Last Goodbye
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The Last Goodbye. El Ultimo AdiĆ³s.

Learning to let go. Aprendiendo a soltar.

The Last Goodbye. El Ultimo AdiĆ³s.

Este aƱo aprendi a perdonar, aprendi a dejar ir a esas personas toxicas de mi vida y ver la differencia enorme.This year I learned to forgive, I learned that letting toxic people out of your life can make a huge difference. I learned that everything happens for a reason. Aprendi que todo pasa por una razon. People and experiences help you mature. Las personas y experiencias te ayudan a madurar. Aprendi que poniendo mi confianza en Dios es el unico camino a mejorar cualquier situacion. I learned that putting my trust in God is the only way that will help in making any situation better.

Letting go of someone who you thought was going to be your forever is tough. Soltar a esa persona que pensabas que iva a ser tu para siempre es muy dificil. Pero aveces tenemos que aceptar que Dios pone a ciertas personas en nuestra vida en ciertos puntos para darnos lecciones.But sometimes you have to accept the fact that God puts certain people in your life at certain points to teach you lessons. I thought I was never going to be able to forgive. Yo pensaba que nunca podria perdonar. Llegue a pensar que estaria amargada y que no podria continuar con mi vida por el dolor que sentia..I thought I was going to feel bitter and not be able to move on with my life because of the pain I was feeling. Pero Dios tenia planes differentes para mi.But God had different plans for me.

Dios me hizo realizar que guardar rencor no solamente me hiriera a mi sino tambien a los que me rodean.God made me realize holding onto grudges would not only hurt me, but those who surround me.Once I reconnected with God he made me realize that if he sent Jesus to die here on earth and forgive us for our sins, How could I not forgive one single person for the hurt that they caused me. Cuando me reconecte con Dios el me hizo darme cuenta que si habia mandado a Jesus a morir por nuestros pecados y para perdonarnos, Como no pudiera yo perdonar a una sola persona por el dolor que me habia causado. God's love is perfect. El amor de Dios es perfecto.

Throughout the year God has healed many parts of my interior self and has set me free. Durante el ano Dios ha sanado varias partes de mi interior y me ha hecho libre. El me ha convertido en alguien mas fuerte. He has made me a stronger person. He has shown me that I am a daughter of his kingdom with identity. Dios me ha demonstrado que soy una hija de su reino con identidad. Y que nadie me podra derrotar. And that no one can bring me down. Cuando perdonas una carga enorme se te va de encima. Forgiving takes a huge weight off your shoulders. La amargura acaba con tu energia y te detiene de ser feliz. Bitterness takes away energy and stops you from being happy.

Asi que como un ultimo adios al fin de aƱo. So as a last goodbye to the end of this year. Say goodbye to all that pain. Dile adios a todo ese dolor. Adios a las malas vibras. Say goodbye to bad vibes. Say goodbye to all bitterness. Adios a toda amargura. Suelta cualquier enfado que tienes hacia alguien o hacia algo que no sale a tu manera. Let go of any anger that you have towards anyone or anything not going your way. Learn to forgive, let go, and move on. Aprende a perdonar, soltar, y a seguir adelante. Se feliz and no dejes que nada te derrote. Be happy and don't let anything bring you down. Most importantly learn to trust God. Pero lo mas importante es que aprendas a confiar en Dios.

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