6 Activities That Would Majorly Add A Little Thrill To My Life If I Had The Balls To Do Them
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6 Activities That Would Majorly Add A Little Thrill To My Life If I Had The Balls To Do Them

My bucket list of thrilling activities I wish I had the guts to do.

6 Activities That Would Majorly Add A Little Thrill To My Life If I Had The Balls To Do Them
Photo by Colton Jones on Unsplash

There are some things that people tell me they've done and I find myself thinking about how I would never in a million years even attempt that. Whether it's too dangerous or just flat out scary, I have a problem with that extra element of risk. The idea of getting hurt scares me, I mean, I've never even broken a bone in my body and I'm not trying to find out what that feels like.

However, I do have a dangerous side and have thought about some things that I wish I had the balls to do.

1. Call out the people I don't like out on their bullshit.

We've all been there. Some people compulsively lie in order to get the things they want in life or to get out of doing things they don't want to do. Now I know what you're thinking, why is confronting someone on their bullshit so hard? Just speak your mind. Simply put, I absolutely HATE confrontation. For the most part, it's unnecessary.

Why drive up my stress levels because of what other people are doing? To an extent, it's not worth it. That's what my normal thought process is. However, I wonder what would happen if I just said exactly what was on my mind. My sister is the complete opposite of me. She has always had the incredible ability to snap her fingers and put you in your place. I, however, am working on it.

2. Quit my job and travel the world.

Work can be really stressful, and sometimes the work you put in doesn't seem to equal the paycheck you get. This is one thing I would do without hesitation. Well, if I could afford it. Some people seem to go on multiple vacations a year, and I don't see how. What job do they have that allows them to take off so much time? I need that job.

I wish I could just decide to get up and quit being responsible to do something bold and kind of expensive.

3. Skydiving!

This is problem the most dangerous thing I'd ever think about doing. Literally falling. from. the. sky. I'm assuming it would be a combination of the feeling you get on a rollercoaster, a lot of wind in your face, and maybe a feeling like you're going to die. I think the only reason why I won't do it is that I'm worried about that small percentage of people whose parachutes don't open and hit the ground like a flapjack...

4. Join the military.

My mom and dad were both Marines; in fact, that's where they met. My boyfriend is also an active duty Marine so I've become familiar with how the day-to-day goes. The one thing I don't think I could get through is boot camp. I'm a weak chump and can barely do more than one push-up. Not to mention the lack of sleep and that just isn't an option for me.

I feel like being in any part of the military for any amount of time in your life is a very honorable thing to do. Most people in the military often downplay what they do, and modest as that may be, it shows patriotism and loyalty to your country. They are also the people actively protecting all the rights that we take advantage of every day.

5. Going to an abandoned asylum at night.

I am a big baby when it comes to watching scary movies. I'm that girl that plugs her ears and closes her eyes when the music grows louder and scarier when I think I know something is about to happen. Every time I do watch one of these movies I picture myself being a part of it. I imagine if I were in the movie what I would be doing different to avoid being attacked or killed, or when I would flee, where I would hide, or when I would go to the cops.

I guess doing this would be my way to bring that imagination to life. I would be going out of my way to scare myself, but maybe I could face my fears and be able to watch scary movies like a normal human being.

6. Wrestle an alligator.

Yup. I said it. I spent a lot of my tween years watching Animal Planet where I got this idea from; Gator boys to be specific. I like watching them be all badass and facing an animal that is basically a dinosaur. And it's not inhumane, they can still breathe and I wouldn't hurt them. I mean their skin is literally evolved to resemble armor for protection.

Anyways, wish me luck in growing the balls do any one of the things on this list.

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