18 Trends From The '90s That Are Very Dead | The Odyssey Online
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18 Trends From The '90s That Are Very Dead

What '90s trend do you fall back on when telling these youngsters how it used to be?

18 Trends From The '90s That Are Very Dead
Etsy user ATOMICDOG67

Take a minute to kickback to the days of Nirvana, denim, Calvin Klein.... Here are things I absorbed as an early 90s kid. Some of the trends faded away in the (mid) 2000s, but some still linger like an odd nostalgia that almost feels good but looks really, really bad.

1. Crimpers

I remember stealing this thing from my older sister and roasting my hair.

2. That One Design

Read how the designer of Jazz was finally identified after the cult following on Reddit made an epic plea.

3. Denim Overalls

Nothing says I Stayed Up Too Late Listening to Britney than showing up to school in baggy overalls. I loved these things as a kid!

4. Butterfly Clips

I legit will still purchase metal butterfly clips and wear them around the house, as a throwback to my mom hunting them down at the store.

5. Rice Grain Necklaces

Remember the kiosks at the mall? Ohhh yeah.

7. Lisa Frank

You could identify your folder in class from a mile away with these lit colors.

10. Legends of the Hidden Temple

Ninja Warrior had nothing on this 90s show.

11. Animorphs

I remember pretending to be the hawk during recess. These books fueled an early love for scifi in kids (particularly me).

12. Smiley Face

I remember snatching this creepy smiley face baseball hat my sister would wear to the mall and wondering why it was cool because creepy, but wearing it anyways.

13. Scrunchies

If you had different colors wrapped around your wrist, your game was strong. Shoutout to my older sister, pretty sure I stole all these from you.

14. Comb Headbands

These things were the BANE of my scalp during childhood. But they hurt so good.

15. Rayon


16. The Middle Part

I'm not sure how this became popular after the big hair 80s glam, but I guess it went along well with the next 90s trend.

17. Heroin Chic

We don't all need to look like we're strung out on a Calvin Klein ad, thanks.

18. Slime

Disgusting! Sort of. Nickelodeon made sliming contestants on game shows and teen idols popular, which morphed into to the craze of consumer products like Gak becoming a staple in every 90s kid's home. I remember daring my friends to eat this stuff.

What 90s trend do you fall back on when telling these youngsters how it used to be?

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