A lot of these options don't necessarily require prior job experience which is great for students who are trying to build their resumes but no where will hire them due to "lack of experience."
On Campus
On campus jobs can be annoying sometimes but also extremely convenient. A lot of my friends lived in the dorms with me last year and worked so close to the dorms that getting to work was only a 5 minute walk. The nice thing about on campus is that they will work with your student schedule every semester and you're already living or going to campus most days for classes so why not make money there too?
Not only would it be good money, but you could also live with the family. It would save you money on living expenses and could be very beneficial. Another great thing about this is that with some nanny jobs you can become part of the family where you'll get treated like another family member. It really depends on the person and the family that the person gets.
I have a friend that tutors people in a foreign language and it's a fun and fairly easy side job for her! The downside to this job is that it isn't secure hours or income because if you don't have people to tutor then you don't get money. The nice thing is that this is a great side job that you can do whenever you have time.
Hear me out, retail doesn't suck as much as everyone says. I have a lot of friends that actually love their retail job and the benefits they get from it. I feel as though most people who say they hate retail probably just had terrible bosses. Of course you're going to get customers that will have attitudes with you but you'll also have a lot of discounts and not all customers are bad. So, if you plan on going into retail try to find a place that you would also like to shop at.
All of my jobs as an undergrad student have dealt with childcare and let me tell you I've loved them all. Sure there were a lot of days I wanted to quit but the days I didn't want to outweighed the bad days. Dealing with kids helps you with real life because if you have enough patience to deal with screaming kiddos, you can handle anyone. These jobs may not always pay the best but they usually will help to work around your schedule depending on where you go.
Food Services
I've heard a lot of mixed feelings about this but it is a fairly easy job to have while in college. The benefits of a job like this is that most places will most likely either give you discounts on food or provide you with one meal a day. It really depends on where you work but most places will. The bad side of this is that food services can be a lot of tedious work and sometimes you get really mean customers.
Dog Walker
This one is actually not too hard to apply for. There are many websites like Rover that would hire you easily. You build your connections by walking a lot of dogs and having good connections with the dog owners. I personally use Rover a lot when I need to leave my dog at a daycare or need him to be taken care of for long periods of time.
Uber Eats
This can be a good or bad job. It's a good job in the sense that you can do it at any time that you feel up to it or have free time. It can also be a bad job in the sense that you aren't required to work a certain amount of hours or scheduled so if you aren't self motivated this isn't the job for you.
This would be a really beneficial job for anyone that wants to go into Hospitality or a related field. It's also a cool job because you get to answer phone calls and sit at a desk the majority of the time. You'd basically be living the dream that any Office fan would die for.
Finding a job in college can be hard but here are some options that may help you figure out what you would want to do.