Life as a college student gets rough sometimes. Taking a full course load in addition to other responsibilities (like sports teams, work, friends, and family) can get pretty hectic. I mean, there are only so many hours in a day, right? In my defense, I really did try to get everything done this week, but there just aren't enough hours in a day. So I pick and choose what to do, and I completely understand that my priorities may not be the same as everyone else's-- If we get right down to it, from week to week my own priorities tend to change, but here are eight things I didn't do this week that I probably should have.
1. Sleep
Yeah, those 4 hours on Tuesday night didn't really cut it for me. I know I need to get more, but I also know that at this point, my sleep debt is ridiculously high, so what's one more night of not sleeping going to hurt? (The answer: me).
2. Do all of my coursework
Okay, okay, I probably should have managed my time better, but you know what? I'm still passing. So what if I didn't manage to write down the signs and symptoms of hyponatremia versus hypernatremia? I'll do it next week.
3. Studied for exams
I have three of them next week. All of them are in classes for my major too. Plus, I still haven't written that essay due next week on that book I haven't read yet. Oops.
4. Sleep
One more night won't hurt. Just add it on to the end of the tab and I'll catch up next weekend.
5. Eaten breakfast
Unless coffee counts as breakfast? I promise I eat; I just don't have enough time in the five minutes I have between my alarm going off in the morning and my morning lecture starting. The coffee is quicker than breakfast and will keep me awake for class. Like I said earlier, priorities.
6. Laundry
I didn't get around to it. The pile keeps growing, and I continue to ignore it. In my defense, it requires me to walk up and down a lot of stairs to get to the laundry room in the basement of my building (I live on the third floor). Those stairs are not appealing, and neither are the laundry fees.
7. Grocery shopping
It just takes so much effort to get into the car and drive to the store. Plus, it takes way too much willpower to not buy things that I don't need, which is pretty much everything in the store and 90% of the things I want to buy.
8. Sleep
Like I said, I'll do it next week.