8 Reasons Joanna Gaines Is Ultimate #LifeGoals | The Odyssey Online
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8 Reasons Joanna Gaines Is Ultimate #LifeGoals

Joanna Gaines is the ultimate wife, mom, business woman and Christian.

8 Reasons Joanna Gaines Is Ultimate #LifeGoals
joannagaines / Instagram

It's no secret that I am low-key obsessed with Joanna Gaines and "Fixer Upper." If I could make a career of watching the show, dreaming about farmhouses and stalking her Instagram, I'd be a wealthy woman.

Here are a few reasons that Joanna Gaines is someone I model my life after.

1. Her walk with the Lord

Joanna's testimony is one of my favorites. It isn't one of tragedy or lots of hardship, but it's one of amazing faith in God and His ability to provide for us. She sought him in every season and His hand is in all her successes.

2. Her commitment to her beautiful family

It is abundantly clear that Joanna puts her kids and her family first. She and Chip decided that the 5th season of "Fixer Upper" would be their last in order to be sure that they're committing enough time to their kiddos.

3. Her simplistic fashion sense

It always baffles me how women in reality TV (especially home shows on HGTV) can get away with wearing fancy clothes and high-heels while demolishing a house. I love seeing Joanna's simplistic style and her seemingly "capsule-wardrobe" inspired outfits.

4. Her Homemaker Skills

NBD, She just runs a magazine, a massive home decor company, 2 bed-and-breakfasts, a TV show, a farm, 4 children and a wild husband while also managing to prepare home-cooked meals and create traditions and maintain a home at the same time.

5. Her Business Skills

If you've followed the Gaineses or have read their book, "The Magnolia Story,"you know that Joanna has always had a heart and mind for business and it is astonishing how much she's accomplished by putting her faith in God and chasing her dreams. As I stated in the last point, she has her hand in a ton of projects and businesses and I'd certainly love to do something similar!

6. Her Relationship With Her Husband

Patience. Joanna Gaines exudes patience. Chip is a character and their story involves a lot of instances where it could have been very easy to walk away. However, her commitment to him and their partnership is so precious. The two work seamlessly together. I also love the little tidbit that they started out their marriage by committing to no TV in the home for the first few months, and ended up going the past 13 years without one because they just love being together without the distraction.

7. Her Timeless Design Style

We live in an age of many trends and ever-changing inspiration for home and style. Joanna's style is classic and timeless. She uses simple colors and pieces that have character and charm without being over-the-top. I guess that's why shiplap and french doors are in high demand right now.

8. Her Laid Back Personality

Finally, she just seems so joyful all the time. A lot of people in her line of work would be abundantly stressed and on thin ice constantly. But Joanna has a way about her that is relaxed and fun. You can look at her life and just tell that she is content.

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