8 Mandela Effects That Will Change Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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8 Mandela Effects That Will Change Your Life

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8 Mandela Effects That Will Change Your Life

The Mandela effect is when someone, or lots of people, have a clear memory of something being one way that never actually happened in relation. "The Mandela effect" got its name when hundreds of people distinctly remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison, and is said to be evidence that humanity has shifted from one dimension into another. Several Youtube content creators have touched on these effects, and here are some that will make you rethink everything.

1. Berenstain Bears.

Remember reading these books as a kid? Almost everyone called these the Berenstein Bears, not Berenstain. However, Berenstain is the correct spelling.

2. Oscar Mayer.

Some of you will remember the Oscar Mayer jingle that goes, "my bologna has a second name it's M-e-y-e-r." Nope. Apparently it's always been spelled MAYER.

3. Chick-fil-a.

People will swear to you that Chick-fil-a was actually spelled Chic-fil-a. Nope, wrong again.

4. "We Are The Champions" By Queen.

Many people recall, "of the world" being the last words to this famous song, but they aren't!

5. Sex and the City.

Do you remember watching Sex in the City? Well actually it was Sex and the City you were watching.

6. "Luke, I am your father."

Almost everyone knows the famous Star Wars quote, "Luke, I am your father." But actually it's, "No, I am your father." WHAT?

7. Snow White.

Remember when the evil queen in Snow White say, "Mirror, mirror on the wall"? She's actually saying, "Magic mirror on the wall."

8. Rubik's Cube.

If you ever played with a RUBIX cube as a kid, you were actually playing with a Rubik's Cube. Just saying.

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