8 Halloween Costumes Only College Students Will Understand
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8 Halloween Costumes Only College Students Will Understand

Trust me, you've seen them all.

8 Halloween Costumes Only College Students Will Understand

It's October, and you all know what that means: white people talking about pumpkin spice lattes as if they're the nectar of the gods, reruns of "Hocus Pocus" and "Halloweentown," and, of course, college students using their God-given intelligence to come up with Halloween costumes.

Whether you've been in college for one semester or four years, you know that Halloween is filled with weird costumes and even weirder decisions.

I'm here to share with you the costumes that you'll inevitably see before you graduate.

1. The cat.

Do I even need to explain this one? The cat costume has been around for generations, and shows absolutely no signs of stopping. I'm pretty sure there are ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting the very first drunk college student dressed up as a cat...

Well...maybe not. But you get the point. If you don't walk into a sweaty frat basement on October 31 and see at least one cat, then you should probably transfer.

Want to go as a cat but don't want to conform? Go grumpy:

2. The "sexy" costume.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...a....a sexy baby?

Yes, you heard me. There are literally "sexy" versions of any costume you could think of. Sexy Donald Trump? Yes (unfortunately). Sexy cheeseburger? Yup. Sexy carrot? Believe it or not, yes. We're all adults here, right? So we understand that Halloween isn't just for trick or treating, it's for expressing ourselves and showing off how good looking we are. (We'll never be this young again- might as well show some cleavage. Amiright?) When it comes to Halloween, college students have this incredible ability to turn any idea into a something sexy.

Here's an idea: Make a jar called the "sexy jar" and make every person who's wearing a "sexy" costume put a dollar in it. By the end of the night, you'll be able to pay for your college tuition and a yacht.

Here's a glimpse of the sexy baby for all of your weird Freudian fantasies:

3. Extensive group outfits.

You know exactly what I'm talking about. Those friend groups who are perfectly in sync with their outfits and you can tell they've been planning them since the summer time. Whenever I've tried to do group outfits, someone always ends up unhappy about the beer can they're supposed to be and someone else is complaining about how the color yellow "just washes them out." Group outfits are funny, cute, and creative, but to me, they just require too much of a process. To those of you continually rocking group costumes, I applaud you. And I will continue applauding you as I shove candy into my mouth that I got from trick or treating around Trenton as a 20-year-old student.

Everybody always asks, "where's Waldo?" but nobody asks "how is Waldo?"

4. Anything that doesn't require a shirt.

Whether you're a dude with washboard abs or you're rocking the dad bod, Halloween is the night for you. For some reason, guys jump at the opportunity to bare it all, even if it's a cold fall night outside. I'm a psychology major, and I want to dedicate my life to a case study of why guys insist on going shirtless even when it's cold outside. So far my research has displayed three possible reasons:

1. The supple breeze gives their areolas new life.
2. It gives people an excuse to do body shots off of them.
3. They want everyone to be aware of their blatant sex appeal.

It's very stimulating research, expect it to hit textbooks by 2020.

Here we have my friend, Alex, as a shirtless Aladdin. He wanted me to mention that he is a vivacious, single male who attends Temple University and that he is single. (Did I mention that he's single?):

5. Risky (whiskey) business.

No pants? No problem. Honestly, when I think about the the essentials in life, they would be dogs, naps, and warm chocolate chip cookies. Pants just don't seem to make the cut. That being said, the risky business costume is super easy and will give you a nice breeze where you really need it. It's also dirt cheap to recreate. Just go to your local thrift store and pick up a big button down and voila! You've got a comfy and cute costume that only required you to spend a few cents that you found lodged in the couch cushions. Kudos to you, you fiscally responsible angel.

Risky business or the fire mixtape we're dropping next semester? You tell me:

6. The dynamic duo.

I think there is some sort of unwritten rule where two best friends have to have a coordinating outfit on Halloween. My roommate literally texted me on July 28 of this past summer and all she said was, "Halloween." My feet were literally covered in sand, and I was applying a generous amount of sunscreen, and was being forced to think of outfit ideas. Seriously, no matter what college you go to, if you know a pair of best friends, I can guarantee you they're concocting some sort of duel costume.

Aren't duo costumes just the breast? I mean...best?

7. Too cool to care.

You know that person who shows up to the party as "themselves?" We all do. They probably write poetry by candlelight and smoke a few packs of cigarettes a day or, like most young adults, they're just lazy. But you know what, I don't blame them. Halloween is for fun and for making memories, so realistically, who cares what you're dressed as? There's this episode of "The Office" where my boyfriend, Jim Halpert, put three black dots on his button down shirt and called himself, "Three hole-punch Jim." Classic.

Here's my best friend Joe and I displaying our nonchalant costumes. He's three-hole punch Jim, and I'm a thrown together Hermione. This picture was taken shortly before I threw up on a church:

8. The clever one.

This is the kid who walks into the party and your first thought is, "how does ANYONE think of that?" These are the people that I hold near and dear to my heart because they are genuinely Halloween's biggest fans. My mom told me that one time in college, her and her friends went as a clothesline. A CLOTHESLINE. They put on an article of clothing, pinned themselves together, and walked around the entire night. And that, my friends, is how you do Halloween.

Feeling extra clever? Punny even? This guy definitely was :

If you find yourself guilty of participating in one or more of these costume ideas, don't sweat the unoriginality. It's just Halloween. You want to go as a sexy gynecologist? Go for it. Want to wear nothing but a bucket hat and a leaf to cover your private parts? Be my guest. The point is to have fun and most importantly, to have no shame.

So go out, sniff the pumpkins, and summon all the spirits you want. Halloween only comes once a year.

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