Our generation is the “Netflix and Chill” generation where a night behind closed doors in a room watching random shows and making out is acceptable. So if you and/or your significant other are tired of "Netflix and Chill", here are some date ideas
1. Dinner and movie
This is probably most classic date a couple can go on. Dinner might be a little awkward, but you can get to know one another if it is a first date and if it isn’t you can have time to catch up with one another before relaxing and enjoying a movie.
2. A night out dancing
This can be fun even if you can’t dance. You two could also learn that one or both of you have a new talent. It would be a night of getting close and learning skills of guiding one another and communication to get the dance down.
3. Skydiving
This would be an exhilarating date and would definitely involve a lot of trust. This probably wouldn’t be the best first date, but if you two have been together for a little bit I say go for it! Hopefully the date ends in laughs and shared stories of what went through each other’s minds as you guys fell.
4. Bowling
This can be a great date as long as neither of you get too competitive. It can cause some arguments but also create some fun memories. If you two enjoyed it a lot you guys could make bowling a monthly thing and try to get your friends involved.
5. The zoo
This is a great date to just relax and walk around and see all the animals. You two could see how many animals you could name off the top of your head or try to make up your own type of names for the animals and see which ones sound the funniest.
6. Hiking/Camping
If you two ever want to embrace your outdoors side this would be the perfect date. You two can spend the day hiking to the campsite and then spend the night around a fire and getting cozy in the tent.
7. Cooking
Cooking together can be a great experience even if neither of you can cook. You two can go to a cooking class and learn the tricks of the trade or go to your local grocery store and pick out ingredients you both love to make a fantastic meal at home.
8. Circus
Have you ever wanted to relive your childhood? If either one of you suggest this idea, it could potentially do that for either one of you or for both of you. This is an excellent way to relive your childhood and remember all the good times you had at the circus as a small kid. You could even make it a good tradition between just the two of you if you both love it. You two may even like going to the circus so much that you make it a tradition just between the two of you, kind of like an anniversary.
If you want to be different and not the stereotypical couple. You have the option to do any one of these date ideas. All of these ideas are unique in some way and you may find something about your significant other that you did not know before. Do you know the saying “never know until you try it”? Well you may like some of these date ideas or even others more than “Netflix and chill”.