Still don't know what to be for Halloween with your boo? Take a look below at some fun and exciting costume ideas. There's everything from characters from awesome TV shows, to legendary couples or stories. Enjoy and have a Happy Halloween!
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SwoonOct 23, 2018
73 Clutch Halloween Costumes For College Couples, If You Two Waited Until Last-Minute... AGAIN
You're not official until you procrastinate doing a couple Halloween costume together.

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10 Times We All Related To Chandler Bing On A Spiritual Level
"I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love"
I'm assuming that we've all heard of the hit 90's TV series, Friends, right? Who hasn't? Admittedly, I had pretty low expectations when I first started binge watching the show on Netflix, but I quickly became addicted.
Without a doubt, Chandler Bing is the most relatable character, and there isn't an episode where I don't find myself thinking, Yup, Iam definitely the Chandler of my friend group.
Here are 10 Chandler moments that made us all see the "Chan Chan Man" within all of us.
I mean, besides this obvious one:
1. That Time He Tested Out His Flirting Skills and This Happened
2. When He Was Willing to Do Anything to Avoid Confrontation
3. When He Couldn't Handle Awkward, Emotional Situations
But, hey, at least he owns up to it!
4. How He Reacted Whenever His Friends Ignored Him
5. All of the Times He Worried About His Failing Love Life
6. Whenever He Tried to Whip Himself Into Shape
He tried really hard.
7. How He Handled New People and New Experiences
8. Whenever His Friends Got Annoying, He Was Always the Voice of Reason
9. He Always Knew How to Jam
10. He Finds a Way to Make Any Situation More Fun
Sure, he may be awkward and desperate for love, but if you're the Chandler of the group, your flaws just make you even more adorable!
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Working with the public can be a job, in and of itself. Some people are just plain rude for no reason. But regardless of how your day is going, always having to be in the best of moods, or at least act like it... right?
1. When a customer wants to return a product, hands you the receipt, where is printed "ALL SALES ARE FINAL" in all caps.
2. Just because you might be having a bad day, and you're in a crappy mood, doesn't make it okay for you to yell at me or be rude to me. I'm a person with feelings, just like you.
3. People refusing to be put on hold when a customer is standing right in front of you. Oh, how I wish I could just hang up on you!
4. Having the same conversations over and over again! To be honest I really don't even want to talk to you right now, or have this fake ass smile on my face!
5. Always having to have a smile on your face. I promise I'm not as happy as I may look!
6. Customers not understanding that sometimes, mistakes happen. I am a human being, we all mess up sometimes!
7. Having the boss from hell, it's their way or the highway! Even though I did my job correctly and efficiently, if I don't do it the exact way you do, I'm a piece of shit.
8. Having coworker who don't help out, who bend the rules just enough to screw you over.
9. Having to be at work after closing because a customer is taking forever and half! Not like I'd like to go home or anything!
10. Having shitty hours and more shifts than you asked for. Just because we don't have enough workers, doesn't mean I want to pick up every shift that you cant cover, oh great boss of mine!
11. Not having time for a social life. It gets old saying, "I can't I have work..." Every day of the week!
12. Having that lazy costumer who can't do anything for themselves... no please I'll get that, it's no problem at all!
I enjoy my job don't get me wrong... but sometimes all I have to say is IT GETS OLD!
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11 Things That Happen When You Suffer From Resting B*tch Face
It's just my face, I swear.
RBF, or resting b*tch face, is a serious condition that many people suffer from worldwide. Suffers are often bombarded with daily questions such as "Are you OK?" and "Why are you so mad?" If you have RBF, you've probably had numerous people tell you to "just smile!"
While this question trend can get annoying, there are a couple of pros to having RBF.
For example, you are never stopped by people in the mall trying to sell you stuff, and it's secretly fun to hear that someone was a little intimidated by you when you first met.
That being said, the downside is that people always think you hate them and social events are tragic because you always looked pissed off or bored. In the end, no matter how extreme your RBF is, you probably encounter/have encountered a handful of these 11 situations.
1. When you meet new people, they automatically assume you hate them or are rude.
But the whole time you talked to them you tried really hard to seem happy and friendly and genuinely thought you pulled it off.
2. People are constantly asking you if you're OK.
And you can't help but roll your eyes, which probably doesn't help your case.
3. After being friends with someone for a while, they confess to you, "I thought you were so mean when I first met you," or, "I thought you hated me."
Not like you haven't heard that before. It's expected and doesn't even come as a surprise anymore.
4. You get told to smile more, but they don't understand how scary that would be.
You smiling 24/7 is way worse than your mean face. Trust me.
5. You're always labeled as seeming "judgy."
You gave up on trying to convince everyone that it's just your face!
6. Passing a friend with your RBF in full force and not realizing you just shot them a death glare.
Whoops. Better go send them an apology text.
7. Being sarcastic, but everyone thinks you're outright rude.
Probably because your face doesn't really signal that you're joking, but you've learned to make it clear you're just kidding by laughing obnoxiously.
8. Not knowing how mean you really look until you see a picture of yourself in resting face.
And you think, "maybe that's why people don't talk to me..."
9. Your apologies never sound sincere because of your emotionless face.
It's a cold world out there for people with RBF.
10. Your "mad face" scares you.
11. And, lastly, people are constantly asking you if you are happy or having a good time because you look bored to death.
"I can't repeat it enough that it is just my face."
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Another day, another Elle Woods comment. Can’t us blondes get through the day without someone harping at us over the typical stereotypes about who we are? I never understood why a person was judged based upon the hair color they were born with, or the hair color they choose to have (unless you dye your hair blue like Kylie Jenner, I’m still trying to understand why that’s a trend). Nevertheless, as it should be assumed, not everyone is the same. Not all blondes like bright colors and Lilly Pulitzer, and not all blondes claim to identify with Marilyn Monroe. I think the best suggestion to give to people before they make such radical claims is to stop judging a book by its cover. Or in this case, stop judging a blonde by her hair color.
1. "Is Elle Woods your spirit animal?"
She could be, but who doesn’t love a self-driven woman with an ambitious mindset to destroy a man, but I digress.
2. "Is that your natural hair color?"
So funny you asked! Actually, my hair is dirty blonde but platinum blonde seems more fitting for me.
3. "Oh wow, you get good grades at school?"
Yes, when I’m not dying my hair I’ll take the occasional trip to the library …
4. "You must really like the color pink!"
Hmmm, think what you want, but black more or less suits me since it matches my soul.
5. "You’re probably not into sports, right?"
*Watches football*
“What inning is this?!”
LOL, just kidding; I’m very into sports and I know the difference between them.
6. "You must have such a bubbly personality."
If you count having a resting bitch face and being completely unapproachable as I hide behind my sunglasses "bubbly," then yes, I have a bubbly personality.
7. "Your wardrobe must consist of all things preppy."
Maybe it would if I was vacationing in Nantucket for the summer; however, I probably own more workout apparel than anything.
8. "What sorority are you in?"
*Rolls eyes so far that they get stuck in the back if your head*
9. "You were probably a cheerleader in high school."
Actually, I played soccer and ran track.
10. "You look like you’re from L.A. because your hair is so light."
I didn’t know geographic locations were defined by hair color! News to me …
11. "You definitely like Pumpkin Spiced Lattes from Starbucks!"
Wrong — you picked the wrong stereotype to assume. I’m a regular at Starbucks thank you very much.
12. "Do you actually think blondes have more fun?"
13. "You must encompass the typical “white girl” stereotype."
And if I do…?
14. "Is that daddy’s credit card you’re using?"
No, it’s mine! I work hard for the money.
15. "So all of your friends are blonde too?"
Maybe if they came to the salon with me to dye their hair they would be.
16. "I’m surprised about you; I thought you would be a lot ditsier."
I’m surprised about you, too! I thought you would be a lot smarter.
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A Year At JMU As Told By 'Bob's Burgers'
The world's greatest university meets the world's greatest show.
22 January
A year at JMU promises many great adventures. The journey of becoming a duke and learning what being a duke is all about is really exciting and a lot of fun. Of course, we all know that James Madison University is the greatest university in Virginia (perhaps even the entire country). There are many events and moments at JMU that are cherished and remembered by all dukes.
Here are 17 moments that dukes experience in a year at JMU as told by Bob's Burgers:
1. When you get your acceptance letter
2. When you try to figure out how class enrollment works
Sadly, this isn't just a freshman thing.
3. When it’s move in day
4. When you arrive on campus and see all of the attractive people
5. FROG Week
Arguably the best part of freshman year.
6. When you find your squad
7. When you visit DHall (RIP) or EHall for the first time
8. When you take on way too many credits
"I can handle 20 credits, right?"
9. When you go to your first party at JMU
10. When the rival school shows up for the homecoming game (or any game really)
JMU pride runs deep.
11. Sunday Brunch
12. When you see the infamous “preacher” for the first time
13. The first snow day
Shout out to Snowmaggedon 2016.
14. Madipalooza
15. When finals week rolls around
It really is that bad.
16. When you have to say goodbye
17. And when you finally get to go back
A year at JMU is a wild ride. You'll meet so many new people and experience so many new things. It can and most likely will be overwhelming at first. You want to see and do everything as soon as you get there. Remember, you have all year (four of them in fact) to experience all of the amazing things at JMU. Seize the year and make it special. Find your place, your people, and your passions. Everything will come together when you learn how to utilize all that JMU has to offer and make it a second home.
Remember, your college experience is unique. But there will be many moments in your career at JMU that you'll get to experience with everyone around you . Embrace those shared moments and all they have to offer. Don't overlook the little moments and be adventurous. Find an adventure in the little things. Take pictures and write things down (but don't forget to also live in the moment). When things look down, remember that they'll always come back up. Step outside of your comfort zone. Meet new people, try new things, and be grateful that you go to the very best school.
Go Dukes!
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