It's that time of the semester again: Finals. You are probably stressed to the max and most likely feel like a zombie. The all-nighters and lack of sleep has begun and there are no words to describe how stressed you are. All you want is for finals to be over and for summer to begin because you really, and I mean really, want to sleep. It's the week you have been dreading since the beginning of the semester and you are probably preparing for it by stocking up on stress food (aka junk food), coffee (and again, I mean a lot of coffee) and an endless amount of stuDYING. Chances are that if you are reading this, you are procrastinating and contemplating whether or not you should start studying. In hopes of helping you procrastinate, I present to you: studying for finals, as told by "Gilmore Girls."
1. You start by procrastinating. You literally do anything and everything other than actually studying.
And because you start to get stressed out by all the procrastination going on in your life, you dance it out.
2. Stress eat. You are so stressed out by finals, you decide to eat everything. Even the slightest thought of studying is making you hungry.
Food sounds so good right about now.
3. You are probably going to cry it out a bit. It is totally and completely fine to cry it out over finals. Finals are stressful, they are evil, they make you want to cry.
The word "finals" alone makes me want to cry hysterically.
4. After crying it out, you will probably take a nap because all the stress and all that crying is pretty exhausting.
Naps are good, naps are nice, naps keep you pretty.
5. Once you are done with that nap, you try studying with a study group - but all you guys really do is talk about how much you hate finals.
Finals honestly suck.
6. Once you finally decide to actually start studying, you look at your notes with so much confusion.
You do not remember learning a single thing you have written down. And opening that text book? Well, that just makes everything even more confusing.
7. Failing your finals is literally your worst nightmare, so you decide that it's time to stop the procrastination and crack down on the books.
Because nothing else matters if you fail your finals.
OK, so maybe this is not what goes on before finals, but it's pretty close. You are super stressed and that stress is probably getting in the way of your studying. Stop. Take a breath. Calm down and study. Procrastinating will only make you stress more. So take the studying one step at a time and you will be fine. If only I could take my own advice.