7 Things People With Writer's Block Can Only Understand
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7 Things People With Writer's Block Can Only Understand

You'd be surprised at how long it took me to come up with this.

Girl staring at her laptop screen

Writer's Block is when the author loses the ability to produce content. Many factors can contribute to Writer's Block such as the following: feeling burnt out, perfectionism, and laziness. I've had Writer's Block a few times and it can be a frustrating experience. Almost always, my Writer's Block stems from wanting my content to be perfect. The content I present out in the world represents myself. I want the audience to know how much effort I put into my pieces and I do not want to bore them. Whether you are a writer or a student typing an 8-page final paper for a class, you are bound to have Writer's Block at least once in your life. Here's what happens behind-the-scenes when I am stuck. Maybe you can relate.

1. Acceptance 

Spongebob having trouble with his writing


As stubborn as I am, I accept the times when I have Writer's Block. It's normal for writers to have this. In the beginning, I usually don't freak out. I have time to figure out what I want to write about. However, it's a different story when I have not figured it out yet. I have a brand to uphold and it's not always easy coming up with unique topics.

2. Seeking Inspiration

Crossing off "Nothing" on the list


Trending topics can easily be the inspiration behind my next piece. As a result, a lot of writers can be writing about that topic, which discourages me from writing about that topic. Nevertheless, I reflect on my experiences and figure out how to make my experience resonate with the audience or educate them.

3. People outreach

Patrick Star scribing notes for Spongebob


When I cannot find inspiration within myself, I don't stop. Next best thing: I ask other people. I sometimes ask my Instagram followers about what should I write about next. I enjoy doing this because they offer brilliant ideas and new perspectives arise. I ALWAYS take everyone's suggestions into consideration. Especially this week. Everyone suggested good topics. However, I did not have the inspiration to write about those particular topics at that time. It's annoying. Nevertheless, I may write about those topics in the future.

4. Distraction

Spongebob air drumming and singing


Step away from your piece. From my experience, the more I look at a blank word document, the crazier I get. Talk about being productive. Give yourself a break from writing. Go on a walk. Read a book. Listen to music. Participating in enjoyable hobbies puts me in a better mood. Moreover, it can even spark some creativity.

5. Procrastination

SpongeBob blowing out a fire


Consequently, procrastination can stem from distractions. I am guilty of this. I will be too invested in doing everything but writing. Don't @ me. Anything is more exciting than sitting around not knowing what to write about. Before I know it, I spent the whole day doing everything but write. Productivity at its finest.

6. Defeat

Patrick Star smashing paper with computer


At this point, I am either freaking out, frustrated, or maybe even both. I cannot get myself to produce any content. The best way to respond to defeat is to not be hard on yourself. I give myself reassurance. Writing is not easy. I will figure it out eventually. This is how I look at it: when you force a fart out, you will get shit.

7. Aha Moment

Spongebob excited to write


For those who don't know, that Aha Moment AKA the Eureka Moment is the common phenomenon when someone suddenly discovers an idea or a solution to a previous problem. Aha moments are underrated. I LOVE WHEN THIS HAPPENS. My creativity has sparked and I am on a roll. Don't disturb me. I am too busy typing pure genius content.

Writing is an art and takes practice to master. Even the best writers have their moments. Having Writer's Block is just an obstacle we face. Once we get over it, the more appreciative we are with the end product.

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