7 Otter Facts That Prove They're The World's Best Animal | The Odyssey Online
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7 Otter Facts That Prove They're The World's Best Animal

These facts and adorable photos will remind you of what you already know: Otters are the best.

7 Otter Facts That Prove They're The World's Best Animal

There's no denying it: in the hierarchy of awesome animals, otters are truly the best of the best. They're smart, clever, funny, and absolutely adorable. Plus I always have a soft spot for animals that live on land and in water. I mean, that's basically the dream come true. However, most otter populations are currently considered endangered. We have to keep oceans and rivers clean so that these magnificent creatures can continue to thrive. Because really, I don't even want to imagine a world without otters and otter videos in it. Here are 7 otter facts that verify their greatness.

1. There are actually 13 different otter species

And they're all adorable and awesome. Five of these species are on the endangered list already, and all but one have decreasing populations. We need to start helping and protecting these perfect creatures so their populations grow rather than diminish.

2. They have the thickest fur of any mammal on Earth.

No joke. Otters have crazy thick fur, structured in two layers. They can actually have up to a million hairs per square inch. The hair allows them to stay warm and also be super buoyant.

3. Groups of otters have awesome names like a "romp" or "raft."

If the group is on land, it's typically referred to as a "romp of otters" and in the water they'd often be called a "raft of otters." Pretty logical, actually. They can also sometimes be called a bevy or a family. The fun names never end!

4. They are one of the only mammals using tools to eat.

Otters frequently use rocks or other hard objects as tools to break open shellfish or other sea creatures with hard shells. Otters are smart as hell and learned to use tools as they're not naturally strong enough to eat the foods they need to. Otters often store a rock in the skin under their arms while swimming so they'll be prepared to crack open a shell when the time comes.

5. They actually do play with each other.

It's common for river otters to make slides for themselves on riverbanks and spend plenty of non-eating time sliding and playing amongst themselves. They're incredibly playful and social.

6. Giant otters are quite talkative.

Studies on giant otters showed that they have distinct noises, all used in very specific scenarios. So, it's confirmed. There's a full-on otter language. I'm down to learn it.

7. They truly do hold hands, and mother otters are very nurturing.

It's true that many otters hold hands with their babies at night to keep from drifting apart while sleeping. They've also been known to wrap themselves in kelp and plants, cleverly and literally tying themselves together.

Mother otters are also very good parents. Female otters have even been known to adopt the babies of other parents when a child is orphaned, particularly in wildlife rescues, aquarium and reserves.

So, yeah. All hail the otter, world's best animal.

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