Let me start off by saying that I have arguably the funniest roommate ever. She is quite the introvert, but there are just things she says that have me literally on the floor laughing. I just felt the need to share some of the things my roommate says with everyone, hopefully they will brighten your day at least a little.
So here are seven funny quotes from one of my roommates.
1. "Popcorn is my main concern."
My roommate said this to me one night at a football game. Something had happened on the field (I believe it was a touchdown) and when I looked over at my roommate, she was cradling the popcorn in her arms and said, "Popcorn is my main concern," with a completely serious expression on her face.
2. "You could spit in a volcano!"
Before convocation begins on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they play slides of announcements on the big screens. As we were waiting for convocation to start one day, I hear my roommate say, "You could spit in a volcano!" After giving her a very confused expression, she went onto explain that she had misread a slide on the screen which actually said, "You could sit VIP at convo."
3. "It's not the journey, it's the destination."
I just recently started an instagram for my very interesting roommate, each picture has a caption of a quote given by her. We were on the bus one day and I took a picture of her, then did my routine of asking for a quote to put with the picture. She then told me, "It's not the journey, it's the destination," instead of the ever so famous quote of, "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."
4. "I've never taken the trash out and looked more fabulous."
The other day we decided to wear dresses for the day for no reason at all. We aren't the type of girls to just wear dresses for fun, so this was a change. Like every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we had our cleaning duties. It is her job to take out the trash, so as I was getting ready all I hear is her go, "I've never taken the trash out and looked more fabulous."
5. "If I were a guy, I'd probably grow a mustache."
This one just came out of nowhere. Like, we were walking somewhere and all of a sudden she just blurts out, "If I were a guy, I'd probably grow a mustache." This one had me burst out laughing, causing me to get many stares from people around us.
6. "I'm a polite southern woman."
Our other roommate is from the North, so one day we were talking about something and I hear my roommate look at our Northern roommate and say, "I'm a polite southern woman." I'm not even sure the context of this one, but it was just really funny.
7. "Where are you going? It's bed time!"
I think it might have been like one o'clock in the morning and I decide to leave the room one last time. Obviously, my roommate didn't want me leaving because as I walked down the hall, I hear her call after me, saying, "Where are you going? It's bed time!"
This was just a small example of the funniness my roommate shares with me. Theses quotes sure brightened my day when I heard them, so I hope that these quotes at least gave you a little laughter and happiness.