7 Young Adult Books You Must Read
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7 Young Adult Books You Must Read

Some of my favorite novels that I think are worth sharing.

7 Young Adult Books You Must Read
Changing Hands Bookstore

We all have those books that will stay with us forever. We all have those characters that somehow manage to grow up along with us. We all have those books that we'll always go back to read no matter how old we may be. It's simply the magic of a good book. Therefore, here's a list of books that I highly recommend!

1. Fangirl

by Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Rowell, in general, is one of my favorite authors, but this is my favorite work of hers. She perfectly illustrates what a fandom is along with what college can be like for the anxiety-prone. Rowell also includes aspects of mental illnesses that tie into what it means to be a family during difficult situations. Overall, if you're a Harry Potter fan, are in any fandom, or enjoyed "Eleanor and Park" (also by Rowell), then you'll definitely enjoy this fun read.

2. How to Lead a Life of Crime

by Kirsten Miller

Ok... it's not what it looks like. By no means is this book an instruction manual on what to do if college just doesn't seem to be working out. For those of you who like psychology, this book is definitely for you. Readers follow the main character as he attempts to avenge his brother's death all without losing himself in the process. I'll admit, I've read this book five times so far and each time, it's just as enjoyable.

3. Eleanor & Park

by Rainbow Rowell

Another Rainbow Rowell novel that blew me away. Eleanor & Park has both sad and sweet moments which pull the reader in even more as the two main characters learn to have more self-confidence and to trust each other through the trials they face. This novel is definitely packed full of feels, but the emotional turmoil you may feel is definitely worth the read.

4. A Step Toward Falling

by Cammie McGovern

"A Step Towards Falling," like "Say What You Will" (also by Cammie McGovern) shows readers the personal stories of those with a psychological disorder. In A Step Towards Falling, McGovern not only shows how normal people like Belinda actually are but also illustrates a drastic example of the consequences of being a bystander. I highly recommend any of McGovern's novels since she does such a good job of showing readers a perspective they may never see or even consider.

5. The Adventures of Jacky Faber

A book series by L.A. Meyer

Bloody Jack is always a go-to series for me. It's always a joy to read about Jacky's adventures and reading a fictional and yet somewhat truthful retelling of the past. L.A. Meyer's Bloody Jack series of twelve novels is for the lovers of historical fiction, adventure, pirates, famous historical events, humor, and sass. Readers follow Jacky Faber in her adventures through Europe, America, Spain, the South China Sea, and many more places. These books take place in the late 1700's to early 1800's. I will say that the audio books for these books are especially good, so if that's your cup of tea, Katherine Kellgren does a great job with the accents and different characters.

6. The Ascendance Trilogy

A book series by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Although this trilogy is more for middle school to early high school level, it didn't keep me from enjoying the quick-witted character of Sage. If you're a lover of major plot twists, suspense, slight mystery, adventure, and a sassy main character, this is a series for you. Readers follow the journey of Sage, an orphan on his quest to live up to his full purpose. Jennifer A. Nielsen does a fantastic job of throwing in some element of surprise into each story, while in addition, she creates a character that can even outsmart the reader.

7. Emmy & Oliver

by Robin Benway

"Emmy & Oliver" is definitely one of the "fluffier" books. It has some of those moments where it's like: "They're so cute I'm going to die" or "Just get together already!!" My fellow shippers of fictional characters will understand this feeling well. Emmy and Oliver, separated at one of the most crucial moments of an elementary student's life (whether the crush is mutual), both must get to know each other again and accept their new differences. The question: Do they both feel the same? If you're looking for a fluffy romance novel to make you feel fuzzy and warm on the inside, this story's for you.

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