7 Annoying Things Every Naturalista Can Relate To
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7 Annoying Things Every Naturalista Can Relate To

Because we've all dealt with these natural hair nuisances

7 Annoying Things Every Naturalista Can Relate To

It’s been over three years since I started my natural hair journey and honestly, I could never give up my curly hair. Every strand of kinky, coiled, and tangled hair that stretches out of my head is a blessing. But that doesn’t take away the fact that every so often, I get unfathomably angry with the curled tresses that flow from my head. I’m talking “somebody get some scissors so I can cut this mess off my head” angry. I’m talking “if I don’t put this in a protective hairstyle ASAP, I’m gonna punch a hole in the wall” angry (of course, I end up missing my ‘fro after about a week, but that’s beside the point). That being said, here’s a list of annoying things every natural-haired woman can relate to.

1. Wash Day

Never in my life did I expect to spend an entire day washing my hair. There are just so many steps: pre-poos, protein treatments, deep conditions, the list is endless. No I’m not dissing you when I say “sorry, I can’t go…I have to wash my hair,” wash day is literally an all day event.

2. Detangling

Branching from the wash day woes, detangling is another majorly annoying (but necessary) part of the natural hair lifestyle. I love my kinky, curly, coiled, and tangled hair, but do you know how long it takes to detangle? Hint: forever!

3. Bad twist outs

I did not spend ten years of my life twisting my hair to wake up to a horrible twist out! And in addition to the wasted time, I know my fingers are probably suffering from pre-arthritis from all of that twisting. To make matters worst, it always seems to be the days when you don’t have time to deal with your hair, that the ‘fro just isn’t complying.

4. Money

I want all the products, all the oils, hell, somebody get me an embroidered bonnet because I want that too! But my funds just aren’t cutting it. Product shopping may be the worst and best experience because I see everything I want and then I check the price and slowly put it back on the shelf. Not to mention the best products seem to be the most expensive. $21 for (amazing) deep conditioner? Seriously? I’m a college student, I can’t afford this lifestyle.

5. Youtubers with perfect hair

How did you get your bantu knot-out to be that perfect? Because I did everything you did and ended up looking like a troll…

6. Products that you thought would be amazing

There goes another $10, $15, $20 wasted. How did everybody and their mother love this product but I had to be the outlier. I just had to be the one with the deviant hair texture. Unfair.

7. Shrinkage

This may be the most annoying thing about natural hair. Now don’t get me wrong, I truly love the idea of shrinkage—our hair is so magical and wondrous and defies all logic—but dammit, I want my hair length to be retained! Shrinkage is just as magical as us, and I know this. But geez, can I get a little retention?

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