60 Thoughts You Had During The AHS Season 6 Premiere
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60 Thoughts You Had During The AHS Season 6 Premiere

This season is already serving up screams.

60 Thoughts You Had During The AHS Season 6 Premiere
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My roommates, myself, and the rest of the world have anxiously awaited the season 6 premiere of American Horror Story on September 14, and tonight we finally got our fix of Ryan Murphy's terrifying, twisted show. The teaser trailers have told us so many things as to what could possibly be in store for this season, but as usual, no one really knows until the first episode (or even later!). Here are all of the thoughts that passed through the American Horror Story Nation during the episode!

Spoilers ahead!

1. Okay, I'm already really anxious over this upcoming season.

2. Good thing my roommates and one of their boyfriends are watching it with me!

3. Hey Ryan Murphy, nice to see you. Now get on with the show please.

4. Wait, did that just say inspired by true events?? Could the rumors of this being about the Lost Colony be true?

5. The show is called "My Roanoke Nightmare"! Alright, here we go.

6. I really like how this is set up in an interview/dramatic retelling format. Creepy and realistic.

7. Oh my god, someone's getting beaten up and we're not even five minutes in. What a whack to the head.

8. So, different actors are playing the interviewers and the reenactment? I wonder if there's a reason for that one.

9. These ticking clock sounds are stressing me out so badly right now.

10. Side note: I love Sarah Paulson as an actress.

11. God, this episode is so sad right off the bat. We've got a guy in the hospital from gang violence, she had a miscarriage, what could be next? (Just kidding, I know it will get way worse)

12. This farm house is giving me major creepy vibes right now.

13. Ha, they said there's a basement. Nope. Nope.

14. They said it was like "the Universe wants them there," well of course it does, this shit is scary.

15. I don't know why these people are so into bidding on this creepy house in the middle of nowhere. I don't like these other bidders. They're going to cause trouble later, I just know it.

16. Okay, so someone was definitely watching them from that window. Um, nope.

17. Normally my roommates and I watch this show via Netflix, so this commercial break totally threw me for a loop just now.

18. Practically the first scene after commercial break is a sex scene. I would say I'm surprised... But I'm really not.

19. I am so not about these squealing noises. It sounds like a pig is being murdered.

20. I can't help but scream every time anything jumps or gets thrown or–


22. Why do I even watch this show?

23. God, I hate that nobody believes Shelby about the teeth. I can't really blame them, but still.

24. Side note, Sarah Paulson is so freaking pretty even in distress. I would look like a swamp monster myself with all of the terror in me.

25. Who was that girl in her house??

26. NEVER ask "Who's there" in those situations!

27. I hate when they cut the music out and all you hear is the characters breathing. It's stressing me out even more than before.

28. Oh yes, NOW is the time to take a dip in the hot tub?

29. Whoop, now she's being drowned. That's why you don't take hot tub dips alone at night after thinking you saw someone in your house!!!

30. I feel so bad for Shelby because nobody believes her about anything.

31. I can't blame her for not wanting to live there anymore; they've been there, what? Three days?

32. That noise again! Seriously, are they slaughtering a pig?

33. Yep. They slaughtered a pig. And it's skinned. That's really nasty.

34. At least the hubby is setting up cameras around the house now, although I feel like this is going to turn "Paranormal Activity" really quickly, and I am not about that.

35. Okay, his sister is officially my favorite character, with the best backstory!

36. I am equally impressed by how much of a bad-ass she is, and really sad for her because of how she lost her job and her family.

37. All of these subliminal noises freak me out more than the actual action on screen.

38. Why did Shelby put down the knife she was holding to go investigate?

39. "Don't put it down, add more knives to your hands." -My roommate.

40. Where. Is. That. Knife. Shelby. Had.

41. Who took her knife? What's going on?

42. They need to stop using that ringing ears noise. It makes my head hurt.

43. Why is everything so dark?

44. These women need to stop fighting so they can notice the people ENTERING THE HOUSE!

45. Aaaaaaand now they're in the basement. Why? Why?!

46. What is this video? It reminds me of that movie "The Ring"

47. I am officially watching this episode from behind my computer.

48. Static, going dark, basement door slamming: a whole lot of hell no!

49. Even the interview people don't want to talk about this.

50. What is all of that hanging stuff and how did it get there?

51. Ugh, these commercials are really annoying, but at the same time, they give me a chance to catch my breath and slow my heart down.

52. Ha, they're saying these people are just trying to run them out of the house.

53. I legitimately just said "Well, it's working," at the exact same time Shelby did.

54. Oh, she left. I can't really blame her, but I also don't know if she should be out there by herself.

55. Okay, so that person in front of her car. I might have shrieked, thrown myself onto my roommate, and flailed about in panic.

56. And then said, "Hey, that's Cathy Bates! I love her!" #MixedFeelings

57. Why is she running into the forest after her? It's dark outside!

58. These flashlight shots are f***ing scary. Seriously, why is everything so dark?

59. The ground is moving. And there are dead people. Kind of gross.

60. And... It's over? Just like that?

Overall, my impression is that this season is definitely going to be interesting. I like the format of this season. Despite my anxiety throughout the entire episode, which is just because I hate all things scary and can barely watch this show as is, this season hasn't been too scary this far! I don't think I'll need to sleep in my roommate's bed this season... But only time will tell.

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