There are many things that I love about the fall season (caramel apple lollipops, stealing my boyfriend's hoodies, apple cider, bonfires) but the one thing that may take the cake is Halloween. Yeah, I'm THAT person. I own way too many "This is my Costume" shirts, I compulsively buy Halloween socks and I have about five costumes picked out for this year's festivities.
If you're like me, you don't even need hyped up for Halloween but I'M GONNA HYPE YOU UP ANYWAY. Now, "The Monster Mash" and "This is Halloween" are great and all, but here are some songs that will get you ready for all the blood, gore and festivities of Halloween that aren't on the regular "Fifth Grade Halloween Dance {complete with pumpkin shaped cookies and kids that are at the pinnacle of their awkward stage}" playlist.
1. Afraid of The Dark - The Frights
Genre: Punk Rock
Teenage Angst ( ✔ )
Spooky: 10/10
2. Pretty Girls Make Graves- The Smiths
Genre: Indie/ Alternative Rock
1990's Nostalgia ( ✔ )
Death and Deception: 55%
3. Third Eye- Florence + the Machine (or my personal favorite version)
Genre: Alternative
Introspective discomfort ( ✔ )
Godlike Vocals: 1000%
4. Hunter- San Cisco
Genre: Indie Pop
"Pull the trigger and you are shaking
His life is yours for the taking
Strum it up to life virtue
Cut his neck and let it bleed."
Must I say more?
5. Rip Tide- Vance Joy
Genre: Indie Folk
"Thriller movie worthy" Music Video ( ✔ )
Conspiracy Level: 2 + 2 = 5
6. Skulls- Bastille
Genre: Alternative
Apocalyptic Aesthetic ( ✔ )
British Accent: Guaranteed
*More Spooky Tunes by these artists*
Bastille- Bad Blood, Things we Lost In The Fire
San Cisco- Magic
The Smiths- Cemetery Gates, Vicar In a Tutu, Meat Is Murder, Death of A Disco Dancer,
Florence And The Machine- Shake It Out, Seven Devils, No Light, No Light