During these uncertain times, it's hard not to feel overwhelmed with anxiety towards the future. But, while it is important to remain vigilant in the fight against injustice, it is just as important to remember all that is going right as well. So let's start off this practice of gratitude with the small stuff.
1. The sun came up this morning
A small pleasure but a pleasure just the same. Let's not forget that though we may be in a period of change and unrest, the sun still came up today and I think that's worth noting.
2. You are alive
Again, it seems rather obvious, but sometimes we forget that we are individuals capable of great things. Today you are alive. Today you have the chance to give back to the world, whatever that means to you.
3. 150 piglets were saved from a farm fire in Siberia
In Siberia, firemen worked tirelessly to save these precious little guys from a raging barn fire. Cuteness prevails!
4. A 94 year old woman graduated from college with a perfect 4.0
94 year old Amy Craton graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with a bachelors in English and creative writing, proving you never too old to acheive your dreams
5. New AIDS medication reduces risk of HIV infection by 92%
NPR reported today that new HIV medication Truvada has shown amazing results. So there's one terminal illness down!
6. Church in Bellevue welcomes local Muslim community after mosque was destroyed by Arson 
The Bellevue Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opened their doors to their Muslim neighbors after the mosque next door was burned in a terrible act of arson.
Good news is all around us. We just have to look for it and play our part in making it happen ourselves.