55 Questions All College Students Have
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Student Life

55 Questions All College Students Have

Every college student thinks alike.

55 Questions All College Students Have
  1. Why is the wi-fi more inconsistent than my sleep schedule? (Northeastern University)
  2. Why is the parking on campus so limited? (University of Kentucky)
  3. Why is on-campus housing so expensive but so mediocre? (American University)
  4. Why do we keep professors that constantly get bad evaluations from students? (Grace College)
  5. Why isn't our library open 24/7? (HSU and Arcata)
  6. Why does Ross Hall perpetually smell like dirty socks? (Butler University)
  7. Why are we spending so much money on a new football facility when we won fewer than 7 games the last 3 seasons? (Purdue University)
  8. Do you plan on expanding your athletics department with any other sports teams like baseball? (Dalton State College)
  9. Why do you make a policy only to reverse it a semester later? (University of Tampa)
  10. When will all buildings have proper heating and cooling units? (Susquehanna University)
  11. Why are my grades never on Course Site during the year? (Lehigh University)
  12. Do dining halls actually put laxatives in the food or is something just wrong with the entire student population's digestive system? (SUNY Oswego)
  13. Why has it taken so long for our school to get any recognition!? (Costal Carolina University)
  14. There are some rumors on campus that the "recycling" and "compost" bins are all thrown into the trash. Is that true? (University of the Pacific)
  15. How has McCormick not collapsed yet? (Marquette University)
  16. Why do the dorms look like prisons cells? (Rhode Island College)
  17. How come the dining hall food tastes so bland? (Arcadia University)
  18. Why can't I pay with my FSU card at Dunkin Donuts? (Florida State University)
  19. Why is the salad at the salad bar so sad? (Saint Louis University)
  20. Why can't we use Big Red Dollars at more restaurants in Bowling Green? (Western Kentucky University)
  21. Isn't it a fire hazard to cram three people into a double in order to make it into a triple? (College of Mount Saint Vincent)
  22. Why does the library close so early on the weekends? (SUNY Fredonia)
  23. Why are quiet hours never enforced? (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
  24. Can there be a late night, campus-sponsored pizza delivery service for a meal swipe so that I can stop wasting my money off-campus? (Washington and Jefferson College)
  25. Why can't more stores/restaurants in Westerville offer us student discounts or use of our cardinal cards like other campuses do? (Otterbein University)
  26. Why do you keep expanding while actively ignoring issues that are present in your current academic buildings? (Rowan University)
  27. Does anyone actually pay their parking tickets? (Samford University)
  28. Why won't the health center write me a doctor's note when I'm sick? (University of Arkansas)
  29. With our tuition, why can we not print for free? (Worchester Polytechnic Institute)
  30. Why is a water bottle at sports games so expensive? (UC Davis)
  31. Why are the walls in the dorms so damn thin? (Clark University)
  32. Why are the radiators overly aggressive during the winter? Why can't students adjust the heat in their rooms to their likings? (UMass Amherst)
  33. Can the cafeteria make decent food for once? (Caldwell University)
  34. What's the deal with the water pressure in dorm showers? (Ithica College)
  35. Is it true that if you get hit by a campus car on campus you get tuition money? (University of Wisconsin - Milwalkee)
  36. Why do I have to change my KU password every six months? It's a tad excessive. (University of Kansas)
  37. Why do we only have two places to eat on campus? (Murray State University)
  38. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS IMPORTANT. Why, WHY do you allow teachers to choose custom books that cost hundreds of dollars and allow teachers to require a book that will literally never be used? I spent $150 on ONE book last semester and I NEVER used it and can't sell it back. (University of Central Oklahoma)
  39. What's up with bathtubs in select dorm buildings? And do people actually use them? (University of Maine)
  40. Why do some professors ban technology in the classroom? (Illinois State University)
  41. Exactly why is 6 in the morning a good time to use leaf blowers? (Drew University)
  42. Can we please renovate Maya/Olmeca before we start construction on another dorm building? Like, seriously -- have you ever been in there? (San Diego State University)
  43. What does my tuition money really go towards? (Georgia State University)
  44. First of all, I feel like I am in pretty good shape but why am I always left winded after trekking up the LoMo stairs? (University of San Francisco)
  45. Can we get bigger coffee cups in the DH? (Saint Mary's College)
  46. Why is class registration like the Hunger Games? (Seton Hall Unversity)
  47. Why so many fire alarms? (University of North Alabama)
  48. How does the freshman 15 still exist with the amount of exercise required just to get to class? (William Jewell University)
  49. Why is the Health Center closed at the worst times? (James Madison University)
  50. Why do your options for on-campus housing range from 3-star hotel to prison cell? Sorry lower floor Jester West kids. (University of Texas)
  51. Why don't we teach students how to recycle? (Portland State University)
  52. Why is blue one of our school colors when 99% of the stuff that represents SVSU is just red? (Saginaw Valley University)
  53. Why is the ketchup dispenser ALWAYS empty in the cafe? (Western Carolina University)
  54. Why am I charged to breathe? (University of Louisiana at Monroe)
  55. Why do we not have more parking? (University of North Alabama)
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