It's move out time and we're all dying to get the hell out of here. There is nothing more I want than to simply be off campus for weeks at a time. I may love Yale, but I'm ready to be far away for an extended period of time. The only thing keeping me from my freedom, besides two finals, is the enormous amount of stuff I either need to pack up, throw away or sell. In the course of studying for my finals, I decided to pre-crastinate by packing, and I had a lot of thoughts, to say the least.
1. What if I just...threw my refrigerator away and got a new one next year?
2. Do you think this box will fit out the window?
3. Does Jesus hate me? Is that why I live on the fifth floor?
4. Where did all this stuff come from?
5. Is that a colony of aliens living under my bed?
6. When was the last time I swept under here? Have I ever swept under here?
7. Why do I have so many clothes? Why?
8. No, of course I'm not getting rid of any of my clothes. Let's not be ridiculous.
9. How many formal gowns does one college student need? Is three enough or too few?
10. How am I going to sleep tonight with all of this crap on my bed?
11. Where did my phone go? Did I tape it into a box?
12. Speaking of boxes, why are we only allowed to store three boxes in our college?
13. Can I fit everything I own into three boxes?
14. Crap, I have a whole box full of just my scarves.
15. When did I think I was going to have time to use these 12 skeins of yarn?
16. Do I even have crochet hooks in the state of Connecticut?
17. LOL at how I bought school supplies thinking I would use binders and notebooks in college
18. How do I hide these books so my grandparents don't know I've been excessively book shopping?
19. What is this stain in my microwave even from?
20. How long has this been in the fridge? Do I eat it or throw it away?
21. When was the last time I bought yogurt?
22. Is that duct tape stuck in my hair?
23. Seriously, three boxes are not enough.
24. I hope all this crap fits in the car...
25. When did I think I was going to have time to paint these canvases?
26. Have I ever even used this lap desk?
27. How many old checks are in this drawer, for crying out loud?
28. Is it possible to overheat while packing?
29. Oh crap, I'm going to have to carry all of this down five flights of stairs.
30. I just want to leave. Why can't I leave already?
31. Why do I have 459 t-shirts?
32. Where did these pants come from? They aren't even my size?
33. I don't wear boxers! Who do these belong to?
34. I'm sure there is a broom around here...somewhere...
35. I really wish I hadn't already emptied the fridge.
36. I would kill a man for some yogurt right now.
37. The car is here! Finally. Finally!
38. Goodbye room, goodbye forever.
39. Crap. This doesn't all fit in the car. What has to be sacrificed?
40. Next year, I'm going to pack less. I swear.