In the next two weeks, you'll be seeing plenty of sleep-deprived students emerging from the library at 3 a.m. (poor souls) and an absurd amount of caffeine being consumed. Dead week and finals week are incredibly stressful, and there's really no way around it except to power through.
Some schools offer a way for their students to deal with all this stress buildup. They're typically school-wide traditions, and they usually take place before -- you guessed it -- finals.
Of course, some of these traditions are done purely for fun, too.
1. CalTech, Ditch Day
This is not your average ditch day. According to a 2013 HerCampus article, CalTech seniors leave the very lucky underclassmen elaborate, near-impossible mindgames that only fellow genius math and engineering students could solve (much less create).
2. Yale University, the Foot of Good Luck
So, apparently rubbing the foot of Theodore Dwight Woolsey's statue will bring you good luck. Don't even get me started on how unsanitary that is, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
3. Ohio State University, Mirror Lake Jump
The night before the Ohio State vs. Michigan game, thousands of students disregard the freezing cold and jump half-naked into the nearby lake. It's been attributed to Ohio's victories over Michigan, and has also caused students to come down with hypothermia.
Not for the faint of heart.
4. Cornell University, Dragon Day
On St. Patrick's day, freshman architectural students basically design a super-elaborate and really big dragon, dress up in crazy costumes, and parade it around on campus. They then set fire to the dragon in the Arts Quad (or they used to, anyway). Below are two of my favorite designs (Google 'Cornell Dragon Day,' I dare you -- Cornell architecture students are no joke):
And my personal favorite?
5. Columbia University, Primal Scream
Several other colleges, most notably Ivy Leagues, also have (do?) the Primal Scream.
What is the Primal Scream, you ask?
The Sunday night before finals week, the students, quite literally, scream bloody murder for as long as they can. According to an NPR interview, residents of the neighborhood sometimes wonder whether the students are being "raped or skewered," only to remember that it's just Columbia students being... well... Columbia students.
So, there you have it! These are certainly some of the weirdest and coolest college traditions that I've ever seen... Got any to add?