5 Ways You've Never Seen Disney Princesses And Probably Would Never Want To
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5 Ways You've Never Seen Disney Princesses And Probably Would Never Want To

Like Belle, except with arm hair.

5 Ways You've Never Seen Disney Princesses And Probably Would Never Want To
Amelia B.

Disney princesses are my childhood. Their musical whims and soothing voices provided comfort to my younger self. And I am not ashamed to admit that my afternoons were filled with alluring princes and dazzling balls; I would fantasize about my own happy ending, waiting for my own fairy godmother.

Today, the princesses still remain as symbols of femininity. However, as old mindsets are challenged and archaic beliefs cast aside, Disney has started to become more inclusive. We finally had a black princess in 2009, nine decades after the inception of the company and over half a century after Snow White, the first Disney Princess, debuted. We also now have a protagonist whose plot does not revolve around a dashing Prince Charming. As Disney is (slowly) breaking traditional molds of patriarchy, the characters have become much more relatable. Along with this, a now stale and trite trend has emerged: using Disney Princesses as vehicles for apprising the public of social justice issues.

It was innovative at first. After all, who would have even imagined that anyone would attack and take advantage of these beautiful, mostly-white sweethearts? That they don't need to be thin to be beautiful? That even the royalty have basic human needs?

That said, Huffpost and Buzzfeed have started a disturbing fad of parading around poorly-photoshopped disney princesses as posterchilds for every single God-damn issue known to mankind. It has become so excessive that these "real-life represenations" have become more bemusing (and entertaining) than informative. It's not about making a statement anymore. It's about making something.

These listicles have subsequently become a source of satire (at least, I really, really hope that they're satire... actually I can't even tell at this point). And now, I want to share with everyone some of the ridiculousness I have encountered.

1. Jasmine with a Machine Gun

Now we can ponder the meaning of life as we have Jasmine wielding a motherf**king machine gun as a "realistic" representation of her adult life (actually, I'm not even sure if that's a machine gun or a rifle). But If this isn't enough, Belle's addicted to plastic surgery, Rapunzel has cancer, and Snow White's a dissastisfied suburban mom.

2. Rocks. They're all rocks.

Or maybe we can imagine them as rocks. I actually adore this one. The attention to detail is amazing.

3. Make-up makes all the difference

We can now collectively shed tears as we tragically realize that Ariel's lips don't match her hair anymore.

4. If they had a genetic disease that made them gain weight uncontrollably but also they still loved themselves for who they are and that's what's important at the end of the day

And now, I present to you, art:

5. Ew body hair.

Honestly society (read: patriarchy) has forced a lot of women to meet some cruel and unattainable beauty standards. There are a number of videos illustrating full-grown men writhing in pain over a Brazilian wax. But smudging over someone else's artwork with charcoal and pencil isn't how you show appreciation to the creators nor is it how you raise awareness.

At the end of the day, some remain as effective forms of amusement while the others make you wonder whether you have descended so low as to procrastinate by watching listicles of bruised, hairy, obese princesses. Perhaps we should pay more attention to the faces of the 13 black transwomen killed this year, or the hundreds of civilians killed by police, or the ever-strong prison industrial complex instead of obsessing over a unibrowed Rapunzel and a moustached Belle.

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