For many college students this will be their very last semester. This harsh reality that sinks in at the beginning of the spring semester can bring out the best and the worst in seniors. This semester can be life altering for many seniors. Every spring semester you will see these five types of seniors taking over your campus.
1. The stressed out senior.
This senior will generally be trying to cram in as many credits as possible to make sure they can graduate this coming May.
2. The life-crisis senior.
This senior probably has quickly come to realize that college will be over in a few short months and they have to join the real world. They may have no idea what they are doing after graduation or even what they want to do.
3. The party animal senior.
This senior is making the most of their last semester of college. They, hopefully, have their credits in line and can take this semester to relax and have fun with their friends.
4. The super senior.
This senior may or may not graduate, who really knows? It may not be their first "last" semester, but at least they have had practice.
5. The put together senior.
This is a rare type of senior. They have their act and their life together and it may be surprising to most. They know what they are doing after graduation and seem to be breezing by. We should all probably aim to be this type.
Good luck to all graduation seniors in their last semester of college! Make the most of college while you still can!