5 Things I Wish I Had An Older Sister To Tell Me
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5 Things I Wish I Had An Older Sister To Tell Me

Reminders for my little sister(s).

5 Things I Wish I Had An Older Sister To Tell Me
Zoya Barker

To my little sister,

Ten can be a rough age. Even tougher is fifth grade, and then the transition from elementary to middle school. I know a lot of changes are happening, and you might be feeling more sensitive, or more pressure in school. I am here to tell you that it's NORMAL to feel this way. I wish that when I was your age I had an older sister to remind me of a few things. All of these things may not apply to you now, but they will in the years to come. If I didn't share these tidbits with you, I wouldn't be doing my job as your big sister.

1. Words do hurt, but that doesn’t make them true

I know girls can be mean. I know that all kids can be mean. At this age, other girls are feeling insecure just like you, though. In fact, everybody your age is feeling this way. They will say things that might make you cry, or may even make you angry, but they are doing it because they are also scared. I am not saying by any means that it makes it any less wrong, but try to remember that these hurtful words are coming from a place of frustration, not hatred. They say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Frankly, that simply isn't true. Words do hurt, a lot. Many hurtful words were said to me when I was your age, or even younger that I still remember. If these words make you want to cry, or scream, do it! Get your frustrations out, but once you have, remind yourself that merely putting words into air does not make them true.

2. You are absolutely beautiful

Stop comparing yourself to others. Don't compare yourself to your friends, or who you see in TV/movies/magazines/etc. Please, do not compare yourself to me. You are your very own person, and that is a beautiful blessing. Each time I see you I am amazed by the beautiful young lady that you are becoming. In you, I see everything that is good in this world. Do not let anybody ever convince you that you are anything short of perfection.

3. School does not define you

You are at the age where standardized testing is the focus of each school day. Day after day you have some type of test that either determines whether you are succeeding in school, or predicting your success. You receive endless papers with red letters on them that force you into a box. Then that dreaded day comes when you receive your report card comes home with not only letters on it, but numbers that want to define your character. These tests, and letters, and numbers can try with all their might, but they cannot define you, or your intellect. A bad grade does not make you a bad person. It is not these obscure, made up rates that matter. What matters is that you are trying your hardest to the best person you can be in. In the long run, that will mean a lot more than a 82% on a spelling test.

4. You are more than how the world categorizes you

Before I had mentioned that you are both smart and beautiful, but your worth doesn't stop there. The world tries to pressure us girls to choose between either being smart or pretty. If you aren't the smartest in your class they will say, "Well at least you are pretty," or the other way around. We do not settle for that. You are smart and pretty, plus you contain a million other fantastic traits. You are talented. You are kind. You are a wonderful daughter, sister, and friend. The world wants to put you into boxes. It wants to say you are either this or that, but every ounce of you is different from the last. Don't try to fit in the box because you are much larger than it will ever be.

5. I am your number one fan

We may poke fun at each other, or call each other names from time to time, but what are sisters for if they don't give you a hard time? I am always going to be your number one fan. I don't think I could begin to express how much I love and care about you. As you've become older you've shifted from being not just my little sister, but also my very best friend. In my book, there will never be anything you could do to disappoint me. No mistake that you ever make will ever go without forgiveness. Your talent and wisdom stretch far beyond your years. Regardless of what you choose to believe, our entire family is standing in your corner rooting for you. Each one of us can't wait to see you succeed. And you will succeed because by just being you, you have done enough.

And to my youngest sister, I do not love or appreciate you any less. In a few years these items will too apply to you. Until then, keep seeing the sunshine in your skies and holding love in your heart. Don't let anybody tell you that there is something you cannot do. If they doubt you, send them my way.

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