1. 5pm: It's the day before a test and your friend starts freaking out about all there is to study. "We're fine. We have so much time." Is the only thing you're thinking.
2. 8pm: You're starting to get bored of reading all this stuff you don't care about.
3. 10pm: Then it hits you - After 5 hours of pretending to study, you realize you actually have no idea what you're studying.
4. 1am: It's past midnight. Your brain hurts, your eyes hurt, you're tired and you just break down. Along with that, you hate yourself for not studying earlier in the week because you realize it's all too much to learn for the test in less than 10 hours, so you cry even harder.
5. 10:30am. You've barely slept and all you can say to yourself at this point is, "Jesus take the wheel."