5. Because you are not better than someone else just because you are a certain color; so check your privilege | The Odyssey Online
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Politics and Activism

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Be A Racist

"I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls."― Martin Luther King Jr., I Have a Dream

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Be A Racist

I am not sure if I have the right to say anything and I am in complete disbelief of the incident with George Floyd. It's 2020 and we are still letting this crap happen. I can't imagine anything right now as I am completely speechless but what I do know if racism has to stop. It really has to and there is not need for it; the 5 reasons below are just a very few and obvious reasons why one should not be racist and hopefully you are not:

1.  Because skin color has nothing to do with the type of person you are


Being White, Black, Malayan, Mexican, Chinese; I don't care - your race has NOTHING to do with what kind of person you are. Because one is Black does not be one is a criminal or mean; Because one is White does not mean one is rude or privileged; Because one is Chinese does not mean they are nasty or caused COVID. These racial stereotypes and meanings that people link to race need to stop. Race has nothing to do with the personality traits you expose; kindness and love can radiate from ay race, and we need to realize that.

2.  Because judging someone based off of race without actually knowing them is completely ignorant


This goes off of point number one but it is completely ignorant, discriminatory, racist, rude, unkind, etc. to assume someone is a certain "something" based off of their race. Basing someone solely off of looks is ignorant if you have not even given a second to speak to the person to see if they even radiate positive traits. Learn to be open; not ignorant and closed-minded.

3.  Because you can be missing out on having an amazing person in your life if you base their personality based on race


Because you're choosing who to speak to based solely on race, you could be missing out on opportunities to meet potentially awesome people. I have friends from around the world and I would not trade them for the world. We all come in different shapes, races, sizes, etc. It is truly what comes from the heart that mattes, as cheesy as that sounds. When you dismiss people because of their race, you can be dismissing people from potentially making your life more meaningful.

4.  Because everyone deserves to be equal in this world; the world is hard enough


No one gets to choose to be born or not; it happens. So no one deserves to be treated unequally due to the color of one's skin. The world is hard enough with wars, sickness, bullying, abuse, death, etc. Do we really need racism and inequality to go along with this? Let's try and make one problem go away forever.

5.  Because you are not better than someone else just because you are a certain color; so check your privilege


You don't deserve more than someone else; I don't care if you are White, your parents are rich, you have a good job, you have a fancy car - I don't care. You race especially does not give you the right to deserve more than others and to treat others without respect. Check your privilege and be kind, always.

The world right now is in a scary time and we need now than ever to come together to fight the racism that occurs across society. Learn, Listen, protest, and give respect and let's start acting like all lives truly matter.

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