Yes, I know it sounds crazy. "Why would I want a bunny? They stink, and they do nothing," well everyone that is completely false and let me tell you why.
1. Bunnies are entertaining
All you have to do is let your bunny out of its cage and BAM; there they go running super fast and doing these things we call a "Binky." A binky is when a rabbit expresses itself with joy, jumping into the air, twisting and flicking its feet and head. Usually, they do these where ever they want too and run into furniture or you. They clean themselves all day every day, and it is the cutest thing in the world to watch. I could sit there all day and watch mine because he is so darn adorable. Bunnies also do this thing called "Flopping," when they are content. Sometimes there’s a buildup to the flop as a bunny turns its head a few times before rolling over completely onto his/her side.
2. They are great companions
They know how to make you smile when you are down. They often come up to the cage door when you walk into the room so that they can play with you. They are always excited to see you because they want the attention all day long. Rabbits also like to hop to you when you get down to their level and lay next to you. I mean how cute is that?
3. They are relatively low maintenance
All you have to do with a bunny is let it roam around your room, clean its cage once or twice a week, feed it and give him or her love. They don't need to go on walks, and they don't need vaccines. They also can be litter box trained which is awesome! Although the start up cost can be somewhat expensive for a bunny, maintaining it isn't expensive at all. They like to play with toys such as toilet paper rolls and newspaper, so you don't necessarily need to buy a bunch of toys because they are already right at home!
4. They may be small animals, but they have huge personalities.
Bunnies are characters. They can be goofy, energetic, nice, and sassy. You never know what you are going to get. Some days they will throw tantrums because they aren't getting their way and sometimes they will be sweet and cuddly and come right up to you and never leave your side. They truly know how to brighten up your day when you are down. Sometimes they will have an attitude with you, but I promise its amusing.
5. Your bunny will be around for a long time.
Taking care of a rabbit properly is a must. They can live anywhere between 9-12 years, so be ready for the commitment if you ever decide to get one. Rabbits are also easy to get attached too so you will have a lot of time to have a great best friend.
They are the cutest creatures in the world.