5 Reasons One Direction Probably Isn't Coming Back From Their Hiatus | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons One Direction Probably Isn't Coming Back From Their Hiatus

All the love, M.

5 Reasons One Direction Probably Isn't Coming Back From Their Hiatus

I'm as much of a One Direction fan as the next 14-year-old girl but let's be honest for a moment, they're probably not returning from their "hiatus" as the same old boy band we've grown to love over the few years. One Direction has become the biggest boy band on the planet and with all of that fame and success, comes an awful lot of sacrifice bestowed upon themselves and their families. When the rumors of their hiatus first began circulating among the twitter-sphere I was absolutely heart broken, but as time went on I've become more and more accepting of the possibility and likelihood of them not returning. Here are five reasons why I believe One Direction are done for good:

1. Zayn left.

March 25th, 2015 the lives of One Direction fans changed drastically. Zayn Malik left the band in the middle of their 2015 world tour. The band's official Facebook account released statements from him, the band and Simon Cowell about his departure. Zayn said "My life with One Direction has been more than I could ever have imagined. But, after five years, I feel like it is now the right time for me to leave the band. I'd like to apologize to the fans if I've let anyone down, but I have to do what feels right in my heart. I am leaving because I want to be a normal 22-year-old who is able to relax and have some private time out of the spotlight. I know I have four friends for life in Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall. I know they will continue to be the best band in the world."

Zayn has led us to believe that there is more to why he left but has kept his true reasoning quite mysterious. To be completely honest when he first said he was going solo I was angry and skeptical but I actually prefer solo Zayn to One Direction Zayn; he seems much happier and his music is banging!

2. The boys want to work on solo projects.

They've been together since July 23rd, 2010. That's a long time! Since they were formed as a band on the UK XFactor their management has molded them into the perfect boy band, giving them songs to sing and dressing them in signature looks such as the Letterman jacket and suspenders. They didn't have much say in their careers from they start and just recently with their last album, Made In The AM, they got the most freedom to include their own songs. After over five years of being classified as a boy band, I'm sure they want to branch out and allow their music to grow with them.

3. They miss their families, a lot.

When you leave the nest at the ages of 16 and 17 and you're on tour for five years straight I can imagine you'd miss your family. All of the One Direction boys have said that they're very close with their families and being away from them for such long periods of time is the hardest thing about their jobs. I can hardly go away to school without my family I can't imagine being on the road thousands of miles away from them constantly. It's understandable that they want to be home and have some R&R with their loved ones.

4. Louis is a dad.

Earlier this year Louis' friend Briana Jungwirth gave birth to their son named Freddie. Although the two of them are not a couple, Louis remains very present in the babies life. Being a new dad adds a lot of stress to the demands that being a musician already come along with. The band have brought small children on tour in the past such as Lou Teasdale's (their hair stylist) daughter Lux but I'm not sure if they would want to bring Freddie on tour at such a young age and I'm sure Louis is going to want to be around his son as much as possible. Him becoming a father is going the be a vital determining factor to him returning after their hiatus.

5. Their "History" music video says it all.

I genuinely think that this music video was a thank you and goodbye to the fans. It starts out with the moment they got together and then progresses through their journey as One Direction ending with them walking in different directions waving goodbye. I'd be lying if I said I didn't pathetically tear up the first one or seven times I watched it. It's a hard thing to face, the fact that a band that has had such an impact on millions of people's lives may not be returning from their 18 month hiatus. If they do, I'll be over the moon and front row to their shows and if they don't come back and wind up exploring individual careers I will support them as well and I'm sure everyone else eventually will too.

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