Five Life Lessons From Harry Potter | The Odyssey Online
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Five Life Lessons From Harry Potter

Learning How To Do Spells And Play Wizards' Chess Aren't Quite As Important Anymore

Five Life Lessons From Harry Potter

Harry Potter is one of the most influential series in the world. It started in the late 90's with the books, and continues on today. Even as a young kid when the series started to roll and become more known, I somewhat understood the influence this series was having all over. Well, as much an understanding a six-year-old can have. Harry Potter was influential even before a single word was written. The author, J.K. Rowling, has quite the fascinating story. The wonderful wizarding world we know became her project to deal with divorce, lack of money, and finally being a single mother. She is known for having said "Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life." Her back story is filled with trials and tribulations, but with her work in Harry Potter, she has become one of the most influential authors out there. The inspiration doesn't stop with her amazing life story though, because she expertly inspired us by teaching us life lessons throughout the whole series. Here are five of some of the most influential Harry Potter Life Lessons.

1. "Soon we must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy."

One of the many amazing Dumbledore quotes out there. It doesn't matter who you are, at some time in your life, you have either chosen the easy way out, or been extremely lucky to have someone like Dumbledore to get you back to where you need to be. One of the biggest temptations out there is to take the easy way out of the obstacles life throws at us. It's important to realize that sometimes making a decision is hard, and part of the battle is realizing that you might have to force yourself to do something uncomfortable or nerve wracking. Maybe not something as big as battling Lord Voldemort in the fear of certain death, but you get the picture.

2. "Life isn't fair."

Be honest: if you know this series, and are a true fan, you definitely read that in Snape's voice. Even if you didn't, this is one lesson everyone and their brother has heard time after time. It's true though, and sometimes it is hard to accept the truth that you just have to deal with the hardships life brings. My parents said it to me a lot growing up, and I find myself saying it in my head a lot when things don't go as planned. You just gotta roll with the punches.

3. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times- when one only remembers to turn on the light."

This is one of my favorite quotes not only in Harry Potter, but also in general. Everyone unfortunately has those days where they feel like things will never get better. You feel down so long, that one day, it just feels pointless to look for the light of happiness. Just keep in mind that there is always someone out there who has your back, and that is is possible to find joy in places that seem otherwise. Also, it is always a plus to ask for help.

4. "... the things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end."

Luna may be a little crazy, but she says the wisest things. No wonder she is a Ravenclaw. Luna is one of those characters in books that is the true definition of being true to yourself. Minor refresher, this scene is when people steal clothing of some kind from her, and she just patiently puts up signs to ask for help. She believes that help will come because there are good people contrary to how she is treated. Having the strength to believe the best in people when you have zero reason to is a lesson everyone should hold onto within itself. With this particular phrase, it is a lesson of patience. Especially with this generation where people demand instant gratification, this is a good reminder that all good things come to those who wait.

5. "While we may come from different places, and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."

Finally, this whopper of a phrase teaches one of the most important life lessons out there: We are one. It is extremely important to realize that no matter who you are, where you are, or what you are doing, that you keep this in mind. Being united among the differences that threaten to keep us apart is what always pulls through. This applies in everyday life. Think back on when disasters destroy people's live, whether it be a global, national, or city phenomenon. People unite in the midst of a struggle. People in New York during 9/11, the shooting in Connecticut, hurricanes, ISIS, blizzards, the recent terror in Paris, the list goes on. Fill in your own blank. At the end of the day, even though people may believe different things and trust different policies, we must be united. There is always strength in numbers. The recent support many around the world gave via Facebook by changing profile pictures to the French flag is just one minor example of this. Something as simple as clicking a few buttons on a phone to bring up their flag gave hope. It brought unity. This is one of the most powerful and influential lessons we can learn in life.

The Harry Potter series is so much more than just a great book series. It is filled with quotes, characters, and lessons that anyone can carry with them throughout their lives. So thank you J.K. Rowling, for teaching us a little something deeper than just what it means to be a wizard or witch.

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