After finishing my first year of college and coming home to see all of my friends and family make the same leap that I did one year ago, from high school to college, makes me think about the mind frame I was in when I left high school, compared to now. Graduating from high school is an accomplishment alone, however, surviving the next four years in college, so far, seems like a whole different story.
I remember leaving high school with such a set career path. I had my life planned out, for the most part. I was on the road to living out my dreams, so I thought. It wasn’t until I got into my first few months into school that I had to reevaluate everything I had planned for myself. If I could go back in time and have a talk with my past self, I would tell myself 5 things to get myself mentally prepared for the next step of my life.
1. It’s okay not to have everything together.
It took countless phone calls to my mom, and many sleepless nights until I came to the conclusion that it’s okay to not have everything figured out. You have to go through life and learn. Everything doesn’t just come to you, you must work for it or learn from it.
2. Life is harder than you think.
In high school you are honestly sheltered. I was fortunate enough to go to a high school that challenged each student to be the best they could be. However, college is the first step into making life-changing decisions, so you have to get into a mindset that each decision you make will change your life.
3. Remember your happiness.
I honestly feel the biggest struggle that comes with being a college student is deciding whether to pursue your passion or pursue financial stability. That choice will always be left up to you, but if possible, try to find a career that will provide both, because each one will require a great amount of work.
4. Remember balance and organization.
My mom has always taught me to find balance in my life. You should always know when to take a break and have fun, but also when to get back to studying or working. Life is about balance, and if you don’t have that, you will become overwhelmed with some things.
5. Lastly, know who you are.
Going to college will be an eye opening experience. You will meet so many different people and it will become really easy to lose yourself and to lose who you are. What helped me the most was communicating with old friends from high school. College is also a time to grow, so don’t be afraid to try something new.
These tips not only can be applied to life in college, but also life after college. These are universal life lessons that will help anyone become a better person. If I had the opportunity to do my first year of college over, I wouldn’t, because just like life, there isn’t a reset button. You must live with every decision you make and accept it and move on from it and remember that everything will get better.