5 Great Places To Grab Grub In LA
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5 Great Places To Grab Grub In LA

A review of several delicious eateries in the LA/OC area

5 Great Places To Grab Grub In LA

I love food. I love eating food and finding great new places to eat food. Yelp is my best friend, but whenever I’m looking for new places, I find it difficult to choose. Next time you're feeling hungry, consider these 5 choices. Here are some really tasty places to eat in the LA/OC area!

SUP Noodle Bar

SUP is an Asian fusion pho place, serving only the best of the best. When you approach the doors, SUP is almost always filled with happy and hungry customers, so prepare to wait for a seat for a few minutes. At the Buena Park branch, when seated, your waiter will offer you their free promotional iced tea, make sure to get it!

I always get a small Pho Rau Cai with Vegan broth. This pho comes in a huge bowl, filled with crunchy broccolinis and baby carrots, plump mushrooms, chewy rice noodles, and deeply flavorful broth. Make sure to ask your server for fried tofu, SUP lightly panko fries their soft tofu, giving it wonderful texture and better flavor. I like accompanying my pho with sprouts, basil, cilantro, jalapeños, chili paste, siracha, and just a bit of hoisin, all which are offered!

If you’re looking for an adventure of flavor, make sure to try SUP’s Shaken House Fries. These fusion fries are several delicious steps up from In-N-Out’s Animal Style Fries. These truffle fries come in a huge mound topped with succulent short rib, pungent and sweet garlic, caramelized onions that are to die for, sharp cheddar cheese, and spicy tartar sauce. These fries are everything you never knew you wanted!

Tom’s Tailgate

Tom’s Tailgate is a USC tailgate turned restaurant. These Mexican-inspired, family-style plates are sure to impress! Your orders will always be greeted with warm smiles!

My Tom’s favorite is their Super Fries. A bed of fat, golden fries with toppings of your choice, what's not to love? Great for meat lovers and vegetarians alike! Make sure to get extra’s of all their salsas, they are delicious! The mild has a tangy, fresh flavor and the hot is packed with extreme heat.


Cha2O is one of the most hip fusion lounges around. They serve everything from drinks to entrees, but the best things to order at Cha2O are the drinks—ranging from milk tea’s to fruit slushies, add boba at your request—and their appetizers.

The Tofu Skewers, Fried Tofu, Sweet Potato Fries, Ponado, Cajun Fires, and Vietnamese Noodle Salad are all delicious appetizers, I would recommend to anyone! Each appetizer has clean, unique, and delicious flavors, sure to please all.

As for the drinks, I enjoy the Taro Milk Tea with boba. The sweet, creamy, nutty flavor of the taro with the crushed ice and chewy warm boba makes for a wonderful combination.

85*C Bakery Cafe

85*C is a cute, yet busy cafe specializing in coffee, flavored drinks, decorative cakes, and splendid freshly baked goods. Every time I go to 85*C, there is a huge crowd of hungry customers stacking their personal tray’s full of bready delicacies at their self-serve baked goods roundabout.

I am a huge fan of the Squid Ink Bread Rolls, they are soft, black dinner rolls with delightful garlic, parsley butter on top, and a hidden piece of melted swiss cheese inside. These rolls may look intimidating, but they are one of the best picks at 85*C. They also have wonderful Mushroom and Garlic Twists. Packed with savory and sweet flavors, this bread is sure to impress. For the sweet tooth, 85*C has phenomenal Mango Rolls. Imagine a cinnamon roll, but instead of cinnamon sugar and butter, these rolls are filled with sweet mango and dusted with just the right amount of powdered sugar, they are simply amazing.

As for the drinks, I really enjoy their iced Green Milk Tea, Chai Tea, and black coffee. The Green Milk Tea has a wonderfully floral flavor, reminiscent of rose, which allows for a refreshing fresh milky tea.

Jose’s Taco’s

This nighttime taco truck is a hidden gem of Whittier. With great options and better flavors, this family-run truck is the perfect stop for late-night cravings. Each purchase comes with a bag of to-die-for grilled onions, soft and blistered spicy jalapeños, fresh tart limes and crunchy radishes, and homemade salsa. Make sure to ask for two, because these sides will leave you wanting more!

While Jose’s has many options for their meats, Al Pastor is definitely worth trying. Soft and crispy corn tortillas topped with succulent, juicy, flavor-packed meat, the Al Pastor taco’s always satisfy. As a long-time Vegetarian, I can safely say, Jose’s Tacos is a great place for a cheat day!

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