5 Awesome Places To Visit in Austin, TX
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5 Awesome Places To Visit in Austin, TX

Everything's bigger in Texas.

5 Awesome Places To Visit in Austin, TX
Catherine Moreau

Growing up in and around the city of Atlanta, I have become accustomed to the familiar southern charm, rich culture, and delicious food that makes Atlanta feel like home to me. I recently took a trip to Austin to visit my friend who is on the University of Texas Swim Team (hook 'em) and anticipated Austin to be somewhat similar to my hometown of Atlanta. Expecting a similar southern city, I was amazed by everything about Austin. It's quirky atmosphere, endless amounts of Tex-Mex and other savory restaurants, and stunning works of art that fill the city, Austin is unlike any place I've ever been to. If you've been looking for a new vacation spot, I promise Austin will not disappoint.

1. Graffiti Park

Art takes many forms, and here at Graffiti Park it appears in vibrant wall murals and hundreds of sketches from people eager to be a part of the famous Austin canvas. Beautiful and vibrant designs fill all the walls, floors, and every bit of concrete there. It's a great place to leave your own mark on the city of Austin (don't forget to bring your own spray paint) and take stunning pictures. Located on 1008 Baylor Street, the kaleidoscope-like structure is slightly hidden by the buildings in front of the area but you'll know you've found it once the smell of spray paint hits you the moment you open your car door.

2. Barton Springs

With summer in Texas, these icy and refreshing waters are a necessity. A large grass lawn scattered with sunbathers surrounds the swimming hole, fed entirely by water from natural springs. Once you're done tanning (aka sweating), the chilling water and cute lifeguards are the perfect get away. With its crystal clear water, perfect tanning potential, and only $3 entrance fee, it's perfect for all ages.

3. South Congress

Need a place with quirky shops, incredible food, and aesthetic pictures? You can find all of the above on South Congress Street. South Congress features a wide selection of authentic and appetizing restaurants to choose from. After dinner (a.k.a post food coma), a variety of shops contain all the amusing socks, cute skirts, and novelties that you could ever need. And of course last but not least, South Congress has it all when it comes upping your Instagram game.

4. Gourdough's Public House

If you have a thing for donuts, then this is the place for you. Gourdough's has an incredibly creative menu, substituting familiar meals with donut incorporated ideas. If you've ever wanted to try a donut burger or donut sandwich, put Gourdough's on your radar. For those of you that find that concept slightly strange, I recommend the dessert donuts. From a donut cinnamon roll creation to a donut covered in Nutella, cinnamon sugar, and strawberries, I promise these donuts taste even better than they look. Find Gourdough's Public House at 2700 S. Lamar Blvd. and keep a look out for their food truck.

5. The Domain

The Domain is located slightly north of downtown Austin and is the perfect place to immerse yourself in shopping. Containing around 70 stores, Neiman Marcus, Lululemon, Madewell, and many, many more contain all the clothes you'll need for the next 3 years. Along with a plethora of shops, The Domain holds many restaurant choices so you can properly fuel up during your all-day shopping event. Another unique attribute to The Domain and Austin in general, are vibrant and peculiar wall murals (like the ones pictured behind me). Whether you're window shopping or looking for a whole new wardrobe, this mall is an excellent day trip.

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