In the years 2007 to 2009, I was an elementary school student transitioning into a middle school student. Every year, there was a huge headline about a celebrity. When I observed the news as a child, I analyzed the situation from a selfish and ignorant perspective. I never took account of the live of the celebrities and believed in the writer's portrayal of the celebrity. As a freshman college student, I look back and sympathize with the celebrities.
1. The Meltdown of Britney Spears
The fall of pop's biggest starlet caused waves as the star couldn't handle the stress of the constant attention she received from the paparazzi. When I was younger, I thought Britney was crazy for shaving her head and for using an umbrella to attack a reporter. Now, I think I would have been very similar to Britney. Being under the spotlight from a young age probably felt suffocating. It is amazing how Spears was able to make a comeback with "Circus" and continue to go on tours while raising her two sons in present day.
2. Miley Cyrus' Semi-Nude Photoshoot
Miley's famous cover photo of her holding a single sheet of cloth as a teenager drew criticism for being too revealing for someone her age. At that time, I didn't see a problem because the only she was showing was a little bit of her back. Now, I realize how big the issues actually was. A teenager was asked to pull off this pose. For someone underage I would also think that holding a sheet of cloth is a too mature concept.
3. The Tiger Woods Scandal
When I was young, Tiger Woods was an icon as a sports figure. He was the role model kids were told to aspire to be, the model for many products and brands, and a representative of the United States in world golf competitions. The news of his extramarital affairs was shocking to me even back then because he was a very respected person. In present day, I wonder about his ex-wife and kids. I'm sure it was embarrassing for his wife to endure the controversy in front of everyone. This scandal really showed me that a person is not everything you see.
4. Kanye Interrupts Taylor Swift
When Kanye interrupted Taylor Swift while saying that Beyonce had the best video ever, the clip went viral enough to become a meme. This was a humiliating moment for Taylor as this was during her acceptance speech. As an adult, I can not understand the actions of Kanye. How does one think it's a good idea to interrupt an acceptance speech to say that they don't deserve the award? Especially an adult? This really shows that some people never really grow up.
5. The Death of Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was a living legend when I was younger. Everyone of every race and age knew not only who he was, but what he did. He was an international superstar that also did many philanthropy works. When the news of his death hit the public, the world was in chaos. Fans all over the world mourned his death. I am happy that I was able to witness the living days of Michael Jackson but am upset that he couldn't stay on the Earth a little longer due to the error of his doctor.