The March For Our Lives took went into full swing after students decided that they have had enough of gun violence. | The Odyssey Online
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40 Things That Happened in 2018 We Won't Forget

See ya 2018

40 Things That Happened in 2018 We Won't Forget
Charlotte Russell

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Here are the most memorable things that happened in 2018:

Brooklyn 99 was cancelled but then was saved by the overwhelming support of fans. 

Music stars Avicci, Mac Miller, Lil Peep, David Bowie, Prince, and Stan Lee all passed away. 

Logan Paul released a video of him in Japan's suicide forest which later sparked major controversy revolving around youtube and mental health. 

Kylie Jenner had Stormi after a long while of people questioning if she was pregnant or not. 

Shane Dawson released his youtube documentary called "Inside the Mind of Jake Paul"

People freaked about about whether a audio clip was saying "Yanny" or "Laurel"

The #Metoo movement gained momentum in order to fight against sexual assault. 

"To All the Boys I Loved Before" had every girl fangirling over Noah Centineo. 

Kanye West decided to make the statement that 400 years of slavery was a choice. 

The internet fell in love with the yodel boy. 

Everyone started saying "sometimes it be like that" and "let's get this bread".

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got married.

Black Panther came out and was an extremely popular movie. 

The false missile alarm in Hawaii happened. 

The "Change My Mind" Meme was in full swing. 

People actually thought eating tide pods was a good idea.

Toys R Us closed for good making us say goodbye to our childhoods. 

Friends was kept on Netflix after fans freaked out that it might be taken off. 

Fortnite and fortnite dances take the world by storm. 

Demi Lovato overdoses shortly after her song "sober" was released. 

Families are tear-gassed at the border causing major controversy and discussion about immigration and the treatment of immigrants. 

"A Star is Born" came out. 

Ariana Grande released the song  "Thank u, next" after death of ex Mac Miller and break up with her fiancé Pete Davidson.

The "Don't Say It" Meme takes full swing 

Purdue beats undefeated and ranked Ohio State University 49-20

Travis Scott releases "Astroworld"

Kanye West visits with Donald Trump and expresses his political views. 

The "turning your siblings invisible prank" went viral

Eminem dropped "Kamikaze" out of nowhere. This album dissed a lot of different artists including Machine Gun Kelly and Lil Pump. 

The "I said Twitter do you know this song" meme went viral 

A Rascal Flatts concert in Indy ended early after there was a bomb threat present. 

Taylor Swift dominated the world with her "Reputation" tour.

Twenty One Pilots released a new album after years of being off the grid. 

Joshua Dun and Debby Ryan got engaged. 

IHop pranked everyone by telling the world they were going to change their name to "IHob"

Chris Brown, who has a history of violence, was arrested for assault. 

The March For Our Lives took went into full swing after students decided that they have had enough of gun violence. 

Immigrant parents and children are separated at the border.

Several more mass shootings take place including Noblesville West middle school. 

Childish Gambino shines a light on culture going on in America in his song, "This is America"

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