4 Struggles Of A March Birthday | The Odyssey Online
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4 Struggles Of A March Birthday

Because one of the months has to take the heat.

4 Struggles Of A March Birthday

If you’re reading this, you probably have a birthday in March. That, or you want to know why you have a better birthday month. Don’t deny it! Sadly, all months were not created equally, and it seems that March ended up getting the short end of the stick. Of course, all birthdays are still wonderful, though these next four reasons show the true struggles of having your birthday in the good ole month of March.

1. The weather is horrible.

If you live somewhere that has a defined winter, then this struggle is for you. The weather is nothing but bipolar when it can’t decide if it wants the snow to stay or melt away. March is basically spring + winter = sprinter. This means a combination of snow, rain and shine, sometimes all in the same day! When you are making special birthday plans, you don’t know if you will be building a snowman or celebrating outside on a beautiful spring day. The only thing clear about the weather is that it’s unpredictable, but surprises are what birthdays are all about!

2. Midterms are happening.

Now that you’re halfway through spring semester, midterms are upon you. And it always seems that the day all your exams land on is, of course, your birthday. You don’t know if you should go out for the night or stay in because your future depends on it. So get ready to celebrate in the library, because instead of crying at your party because you want to, you’ll be crying over your textbooks because you have to.

3. Your birthday is never on spring break.

What’s even more depressing than having your birthday during midterms is not having your birthday during spring break. It’s almost like the school administrative schedules spring break away from your birthday on purpose, but don’t fret just yet. If you prayed to the birthday gods enough, you might have been lucky enough to have your special day fall on spring break. Only to find out all your friends are going on vacation. While your BFF is sipping daiquiris at the swim up bar, you are putting a birthday hat on your dog. You can never win.

4. Everyone is sick.

It’s your birthday! You’ve rounded up everyone you know so you can have the sickest party ever! But suddenly, your phone vibrates with group message texts. All your friends are sick and can’t go, and then you remember that it’s flu season. Your birthday get-together just turned from 20 people to only one person going. A heartbreakingtrue story, except mine was at a Chuck E Cheese's in the 1st grade. (Shout out to Caitlin for being my only party guest).

But have no fear, because a birthday in March doesn’t have to be all bad! If you fall around St. Patrick's Day, you can pretend the parade is for you. On daylight savings time, you get a bonus birthday hour. Most importantly, you share a birthday month with the Biebs! To celebrate, here is Justin singing just for you! Happy birthday, March!

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