How I Replaced Fentanyl for chronic pain
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How I Replaced Fentanyl for My Chronic Pain

After 7 years dependant on the strongest opioid out there for my chronic pain, I found an alternative

How I Replaced Fentanyl for My Chronic Pain

NOTE: None of the information in this article is meant to be medical advice. I strongly advise you to use cannabis in conjunction with a well-informed physician, or we can pretend it is 1984 and I can say this article is purely for entertainment purposes.

For over seven years, from 2002-2009, I was prescribed and used for pain the opioid pain reliever Fentanyl in a patch form called "Duragesic." It was only after I had been on large quantities of oral opiates and at the time I was happy to be somewhat free of pain. I was able to, with additional opiate pain medication, get out of bed occasionally and do things. Then I tried cannabis.

When I used cannabis in conjunction with the opioids, I found the medication more effective. Then I went through cold-turkey withdrawals from Fentanyl and Percocet in August of 2009 when my urologist discharged me without notice. At the time I was only smoking cannabis, it would be months before I learned to infuse butter and years before I learned about concentrates, but I was on my way to a healthier life already.

Over the past nine years, I have learned a considerable amount about cannabis and how it helps my body. I am in the process of working on several pieces I will be sharing shortly about what the Endocannabinoid System is and how Phytocannabinoids (like THC, CBD, CBG, CBC, THCV, etc.) are used by our bodies both within our ECs and by other systems. But right now, I want to share with you the recipe I have been using to replace Fentanyl.

That's right, my physician said a decade ago, I would NEVER be able to live without a morphine-level pain reliever or stronger. That was BEFORE I broke my back and BEFORE I ended up in chronic pain in all of my tendons.

This recipe is only as good as the ingredients that go into it. I personally add Full Extract Cannabis Oil (FECO, also known as "Rick Simpson Oil" or "RSO" although extracted with ethanol rather than Rick's toxic methods) in the ratios that I would like to augment the cannabinoids in the trim or bud I am using. This way I am able to achieve the proper ratio for my personal conditions. It has been a trial and error method that has taken six years so far. Currently, my usual capsule ratio ranges from 20:1 to 3:1, being THC: CBD, with a generous amount of CBG added in for its anti-inflammatory effects.

I am including both the recipe for the Mighty Fast Herbal Infuser (easy to modify for use in the Magical Butter Machine also) as well as the "crockpot" recipe.

Gma Maggie's Cannabis Capsules (Machine Method):

Concentrates can be added to correct the cannabinoid ratio

M Slighte

1 Quart + 1 cup Coconut oil, melted(your choice: I use virgin, many use MCT or refined)
3 Tablespoons Sunflower Lecithin (available on Amazon in a powder, non-GMO)
1/4 Cup Hemp Seed Oil (adds omega 3, 6 & 9 essential fatty acids and aids in bioavailability of cannabinoids)
2-4 grams of FECO Extract of desired cannabinoid percentages
1-ounce cannabis trim or buds (If using the infuser, no grinding is necessary, if using a crockpot, grind cannabis beforedecarbing)

Step 1: "Decarb" cannabis by spreading the loose trim or buds over a cookie sheet (or in a "turkey bag" to contain the terpenes) and bake in a 240 degree Fahrenheit oven for 40-50 minutes.

Step 2: Place the first 4 ingredients (oils, lecithin & concentrates) in the Mighty Fast Herbal Infuser

Step 3: Push the "Mighty Fast 1" button and allow to run to fully incorporate oils.

Step 4: Add decarbed cannabis

Step 5: Push the "Mighty Long" button & allow the machine to do all the work

Step 6: Strain material (I refrigerate it and add it to the next batch or put in capsules for a night dose)

Step 7: Using a syringe or an eyedropper, fill size "0" or "00" capsules

Gma Maggie's Cannabis Capsules (Crockpot Method):

Any brand will do...


1 Quart + 1 cup Coconut oil, melted (your choice: I use virgin, many use MCT or refined)
3 Tablespoons Sunflower Lecithin (available on Amazon in a powder, non-GMO)
1/4 Cup Hemp Seed Oil (adds omega 3, 6 & 9 essential fatty acids and aids in bioavailability of cannabinoids)
2-4 grams of FECO of desired cannabinoid percentages
1-ounce cannabis trim or buds(If using the infuser, no grinding is necessary, if using a crockpot, grind cannabis beforedecarbing)

Step 1: Place first 4 4 ingredients (oils, lecithin & concentrates) in the crockpot, Cover and turn on HIGH.

Step 2: Run Crockpot for 15 minutes on HIGH.

Step 3: Stir well, if NOT incorporated, repeat steps 2-3.

Step 4: Add GROUND decarbed cannabis to the crockpot


Step 6:Turn down crockpot to "LOW" (this is CRITICAL, it will BURN if not turned down!)

Step 7: Cook on LOW for 2-6 hours (personal preference), stirring EVERY 15-20 minutes

Step 8: Strain material (I refrigerate it and add it to the next batch or put in capsules for a night dose)

Step 7: Using a syringe or an eyedropper, fill size "0" or "00" capsules

In Conclusion...

A Cannabis fan leaf

M Slighte

This is MY recipe, MY experience. I don't make any promises or claims. In MY experience, I found I had the following side-effects from the above recipe starting at the beginning dosage of 1-2 capsules at nighttime, progressing slowly to 4 capsules every 4-6 hours: Relief of my IBS, PTSD nightmares, my hypervigilance lessoned, my pain level began to be more managable, my migraines disappeared, I write more, I'm a happier person, and I move more.

NOTE: The ingredients in this recipe are available as noted or from your caregiver or dispensary in all legal areas.

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