30 Myths We Think Are True
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30 Myths We Think Are True

School is supposed to teach us facts, but sometimes (only sometimes), do they actually lie.

30 Myths We Think Are True
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In our society, the media often keeps us wondering whether what they're reporting is true or exaggerated. We often hear things in our everyday life that we assume are true and don't question. What if I told you that even some of the things we learned in school were actually false? Here's a list of thirty facts we all assumed to be true, but have been proven to be false.

1. The Great Wall of China is not visible from space.

Truth is, you can only see cities at night from space because of the lights, but you would need high-quality technology if you want to see the Great Wall of China.

2. The cavemen and dinosaurs coexisted? Nope.

Maybe we never really think about it, but often we learn about the cavemen and dinosaurs together - or we at least correlate them with each other - but research has shown that the cavemen and dinosaurs were apart by millions of years.

3. How many senses do you have? Five? Nope.

The most agreed upon amount of senses is at least nine, and some scientists believe that we have around 21 senses.

4. If you touch a baby bird, its mom will abandon it.

FALSE. Birds apparently have a weak sense of smell so our scent makes no difference to them. They won't abandon their babies.

5. There's not actually a 24-hour waiting period to report someone missing.

If you know someone is missing, report that right away.

6. Goldfish don't have a short memory span.

Researchers have found that they can remember things up to five months.

7. Bulls are colorblind.

So, when people tell you that they get angry because of the red color, it's a lie. A matador is only threatening to the bull because of how he's moving his flag. The bull sees it as menacing and that's why he charges at the cloth. Not the color.

8. Toads don't cause warts.

You can only get warts from other humans. Those are just glands that cause their skin to be bumpy, FYI.

9. SOS doesn't mean "save our ship".

It means nothing. It's not an abbreviation for anything. It's just used because it's was a simple Morse code pattern to remember and decipher.

10. You don't swallow spiders in your sleep.

First, spiders are afraid of you. That doesn't stop me from being terrified of them, but because they're afraid of us, they wouldn't exactly be willing to climb into our mouths. Second, we don't offer them anything (prey), so there's no reason for them to approach us in our sleep.

11. Van Gogh's ear was not actually cut off in some mental breakdown.

Yeah, you read that right. Historians believe that his ear was actually cut off by his friend during a fight between the two. And only a small portion of it was cut off. It's been suggested that he didn't tell anyone his friend did it because he didn't want his friend to get in trouble for the altercation.

12. Slaves didn't build the Egyptian pyramids.

Apparently, it was an honor to build the pyramids, so slaves wouldn't have been granted the job. Instead, they gave the honor to respected architects at the time.

13. Ninjas did not clothe themselves from head-to-toe in all black.

That would have given them away right away. They were assassins. They needed to blend into everyday life. So, they wore whatever helped them best to fit in with the public.

14. Staying out in the rain won't give you a cold.

You know how your parents tell you not to go to bed with wet hair because you'll get sick? Truth is, only coming into direct contact with diseases will make you sick.

15. Surely lightning can't strike the same place twice, right?

Wrong. It can strike the same place more than once.

16. Defibrillators and CPR help to restart a heart? Nope.

Defibrillators are used to help reset irregular heartbeats. Not actually bring someone back from the dead. And CPR is used to help prevent brain damage because of the lack of oxygen.

17. George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter.

Sad, I know. He only helped discover many new uses for the peanut. Peanut butter can be traced back for centuries, though.

18. King Henry VIII wasn't always a villain.

Apparently, he actually used to be a cool guy. He took the throne at the age of eighteen and was supposedly really friendly. After being stricken by illnesses that made him gain the weight, he started to get grumpy. However, there was an accident that resulted in his own horse falling on the king and after being knocked out, the king woke up, well...not so friendly anymore. In fact, this is when he started experiencing the mental changes that made him into the villain we learn about in school.

19. Marie Antoinette never said, "Let them eat cake."

What?! Yeah. She never said it. That's not even the correct saying, anyways. In a novel that was published in the same time period, there was a saying, "Let them eat the brioche." The young queen cannot be credited with her most famous saying, however.

20. Dogs panting isn't them sweating.

When they pant, it's just how they cool themselves down. Dogs can actually sweat. Especially through the pads of their feet.

21. Christopher Columbus didn't discover America.

This is becoming a little more popular and widely known today, but yeah it's true. Christopher Columbus wasn't the one who discovered America. He's just the first to colonize it. Leif Erikson discovered America. (Leif Erikson Day - October 9, 2017)

22. There is definitely gravity in space.

It's just not as strong as the gravity on Earth.

23. There were only 12 original colonies.

We learn about 13, but Delaware wasn't its own colony. Not at first anyway. It didn't become its own colony until the Revolutionary War. Up until then, it was always a part of Pennsylvania or Maryland.

24. Ben Franklin didn't discover electricity by flying his kite with a key attached to it.

There's no evidence and many believe that he actually would have died by electric shock if he had attempted this.

25. Cleopatra was actually Greek.

That's right, our famed Egyptian queen was actually Greek. She just learned Egyptian and named herself pharaoh.

26. Witches were never burned at the stake.

They were hung. Or imprisoned. If you've ever watched "Hocus Pocus" or "The Crucible", I guess this would have been obvious.

27. Mercury isn't the hottest planet.

Yeah, it's closest to the sun, but that doesn't make it the hottest. Venus is because of how gaseous the planet is.

28. Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb.

At least, he didn't come up with the idea of one. Many inventors had tried and failed to invent the light bulb. Edison studied these and he made his own version which just so happened to be the most useful.

29. Urine won't heal a jellyfish sting.

Researchers suggest that urinating on a jellyfish sting might actually make the pain worse as the acid in the urine could cause more venom to be released from the sting. They suggest using vinegar as the best method because it actually helps to fight the venom.

30. And last, I know some people will still believe this wholeheartedly. Vaccines don't cause Autism.

They don't. Why would someone actually believe this? It makes no sense. Vaccines can not be linked to Autism. Sorry.

So, now that you've realized how many lies you've been fed in your life, I bet it makes you wonder what else is a lie, huh?

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