22. And when she discreetly wanted some sexy time with Bumper. | The Odyssey Online
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27 Pitch Perfect Moments That Will Still Be Hilarious 100 Years From Now

"Crushed it."


"Pitch Perfect" is one of my favorite movies of all time. If you haven't seen it, you need to right away. The film centers around an all girls Acapella group called "The Barden Bellas" as they try to prepare for an Acapella competition. The movie as a whole is hilarious, and the moments listed below are just a few of them.

1. When Fat Amy nailed her audition. 


2. When Aubrey questioned Fat Amy's exercise technique. 


3. When Aubrey wasn't taking no for an answer. 


"Aca-believe it!"

4. When Stacie was brutally honest.


"Yeah, we know, Stacie."

"Only 'cause I just told you."

5. When Fat Amy wasn't afraid to get between Aubrey and Chloe's catfight. 


6. When Fat Amy swore her revenge. 


7. When Jesse provided unique entertainment for Beca. 


8. Basically whenever Benji was around. 


9. When Jesse was drunk. 


 10. When Fat Amy said no to serious exercise. 


11. When Lilly got a little too personal. 


12. When Fat Amy already knew what was coming out of Cynthia's mouth. 


"We all know where this is going."

 13. And she was right. 


"It all started when I broke up with my girlfriend."

14. When Fat Amy was more grossed out by Aubrey's projectile vomit than everyone else. 


15. When Fat Amy gently turned down Bumper's advances. 


16. When Bumper threw a "big ass burrito" at Fat Amy. 


17. Whenever any "aca-" term was used. 


18. When Fat Amy tried to remain optimistic after Chloe revealed she had nodes. 


19. When Fat Amy felt no shame. 


20. When Fat Amy threw this shade at the Trebles. 


21. When Fat Amy had a heart-to-heart with the rest of the Bellas. 


22. And when she discreetly wanted some sexy time with Bumper. 


23. Oh, and when she wasn't afraid tell someone how she really felt. 


24. When Aubrey didn't give a good enough reason to use the word "penetrate." 


25. When this dude took his job a little too seriously. 


26. When Fat Amy got a little too into the performance. 


27. And when Lilly and Donald had a nice moment. 


I realized most of these are Fat Amy moments...but that's okay. She's the heart and soul of this masterpiece anyway. 


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