25 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Holiday Break
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25 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Holiday Break

21. Get a massage.

25 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Holiday Break

1. Relax.

I do not doubt that you are constantly busy at school. Going home is a treat because it is an opportunity to sit back, do absolutely nothing, and relax. Spend this time doing exactly that, while also a keeping up with a few other things...

2. Surround yourself with friends.

Although you may want to spend ALL of your break sleeping and relaxing, put aside a little part of the time to hangout with your friends that are home for the holidays. You do not get to see them often, so spend some time with them. Surrounding yourself with happy people is good for your personal health.

3. Be positive about your family events.

You may be dreading the numerous amounts of family events that you will have to attend, but try and have a positive attitude about them. Your relatives only ask a million questions because they care about your life. Engage yourself in the conversations and you will enjoy the events so much more.

4. Go to your favorite local restaurants.

Being at home gives you the perfect excuse to go to all of your favorite restaurants as many times as you want. This is also a perfect reason to make plans with your friends. Why not catch up with your friends and indulge in delicious food at the same time?!

5. Take a day long road trip.

When my friends and I are bored and cannot think of anything to do, we take day long roads trips to places such as: Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, or Detroit. Do something of this sort, and while you are there spend the time going to cute restaurants, and 'up' your Instagram game with some artsy pictures.

6. Binge a show on Netflix.

Feeling sad? Netflix. Bored? Netflix. Tired? Netflix. It is always the answer, and being on holiday break is the perfect excuse to start a new TV show and maybe even finish it!

7. Make sure to sleep.

When you are on the go 24/7 at school, it is nearly impossible to get a sufficient amount of sleep every night of the week. Being on break is the perfect excuse to go to bed as early as you want, and to sleep in as late as you want. Catch up on your beauty sleep!

8. Personal health.

Take this time to catch up on face masks, teeth whitening, painting your nails, and exfoliating your body. I don’t know about you guys, but keeping up with my regular personal health routine is difficult when I am at school. Going home is a treat because I get to pick back up my usual routine.

9. Bake christmas cookies.

A perfect reason to make treats for yourself, and a perfect christmas present. Spend some of your free time baking cookies; they go perfectly with a book or Netflix show.

10. CLEAN.

With all of the free time that you are given, you could spend some of it cleaning. Deep clean the places that you do not even want to think about, such as under your bed or in your miscellaneous drawers. The satisfaction that you will receive from having a clean room with make the effort worth it.

11. Read a good book.

On a day-to-day basis, I hear my friends constantly saying that they wish they read more. Holiday break is the perfect time to go to your local bookstore, find a book that grabs you attention, and lay in bed reading it until you finish it. Books will surprise you if you find the right one.

12. Find some new music and make playlists.

Open up whatever platform you use for music, and search for some new tunes. There is not a situation that music cannot benefit. Make playlists for every moment of your day, and all of your moods. You could even make a playlist for your friends as a christmas gift.

13. Build a snowman.

If you live somewhere that has snow, you may see snowmen every now and again. Everybody always talks about making them, but have you ever really made one? Get your friends and family together, then go outside and make that picture perfect snowman.

14. Retail therapy.

This is always the answer. Go to your favorite stores and buy yourself all of the Christmas presents you could ever want. Why not treat yourself for all the hard work you have put into school?

15. Get a real Christmas tree and decorate it.

If you have a family that does not get real Christmas trees, get them together and convince them to change that tradition. Go to a local tree farm, find the perfect tree, cut it down, bring it home, and decorate it however you decide you want to.

16. DIY crafts.

DIY Crafts are the perfect Christmas gift and perfect decorations for your bedroom. Go google some ideas and make gifts for your friends and family. These are better than most gifts because they are cheap and have a lot of meaning.

17. Go watch a movie at the theater.

Movie theaters are very underrated. It is a perfect time to relax, but also a perfect plan to make with friends. Look up the movies that are showing in theaters near you and make some plans with a friend to go see a movie.

18. Practice a new makeup routine.

This is the perfect time to try out those intimidating purple and blue colors in your eyeshadow palette that you have never dared to touch before. Try a makeup routine, mess it up, wash it off, and start all over again. Go back to school with a look that will blow your friends away. Practice makes perfect!

19. Watch YouTube vlogs ... nonstop.

Personally, this is my favorite free time activity. Look up some YouTubers who grab your attention. Whether they talk about health or makeup, find someone that seems interesting to you. Binge their channel. This is a great relaxation activity, and most people learn from YouTube vidoes!

20. Get some puppy therapy.

There is never a time that puppy therapy is not enjoyable. Rather than just playing with puppies, you could volunteer at your local humane society and spend time with the puppies that need love. This is perfect for your personal health, and it's great for the puppies!

21. Get a massage.

Schedule an appointment with your favorite mesus and go get a massage. You deserve it.

22. Go on a run.

When you have this much free time on your hands, there are no longer any excuses to hold off that daily workout. Hit the gym and find a workout routine that works for you, and make it possible for you to keep up while you are back at school.

23. Plan your spring break.

You deserve the trip that you have been dreaming about for so long. Get a group of friends together and plan the perfect spring break trip. This way, you have some extra motivation in school because you have something to look forward to.

24. Paint.

Craft stores sell acrylic paint, canvases, and paint brushes for an extremely affordable price. Go to a local store, buy some products, and paint something. If you cannot think of anything to paint, google some inspiration. This is the perfect gift or wall decor.

25. Downsize your closet and sell your old clothes.

If you are anything like myself, you have tons of clothes that haven't been worn in at least a year. Go through your closet and separate the clothes that you do wear and the clothes that do not. This will make you feel much less cluttered, and there are tons of places that buy used clothes, so why not make some money?!

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