By far the most underrated show on The CW is "The 100," which had its season three premiere on January 21. From its fast-paced episodes to its devastating cliffhangers and storylines, this show defies typical television standards. Every episode brings viewers on a journey, with thoughts running through their heads faster than the brain can comprehend. Here are some thoughts had while watching an average episode, from start to finish:
1. Wait, what happened again last episode? Why is the episode starting like this?
2. Did I miss something? I totally missed something.
3. Oh, OK. Now it all makes sense. Kind of.
4. Nope. They just jumped to a new storyline and I again have no idea what's happening.
5. Honestly, I just want to see Lincoln and Octavia rule the world.
6. On a similar note, why can't I be Octavia? Or Clarke, for that matter? Or Raven?
7. OK, all of the women on this show are bosses. Praise.
8. Hold on. Bellamy and Clarke basically haven't shared the screen together since season one. I totally just realized this.
9. Just kidding, I've totally noticed. I ship Bellarke so hard I sob every time they are on screen together. Which lately has not happened.
10. Whoa, now we're on to Jaha and Murphy. Where are they?
11. Alright, Jaha's vision quest of sorts is getting on my nerves.
12. Why do I somehow sympathize with Murphy now? And why am I slightly attracted to him?
13. Just kidding, Bellamy's my one true bae.
14. Next to Monty, that is.
15. Also, why aren't Monty and Jasper given more screen time? And why can't they just be best friends 110 percent of the time?
16. Great, now there's a fight going on. How did I miss this?
17. *look to the person next to you and pray that no semi-relevant character dies in battle*
18. Whoa, she just did what? And he was in on it? Hold on, I need a minute. Or a year.
19. Why does this show do this to me? Every. Single. Time.
20. Where is Abby during all of this? For such a societal power figure, she never seems to be around when it's important.
21. There goes Clarke, saving everything from disaster like the *queen* she is. Sort of, at least.
22. Bring back #Clexa.
23. Actually, do not do that. But it would be nice. Whatever, I can't make my mind up. This show makes me question so many things.
24. The episode is over? I legit just started watching it. How did this happen? This show brings my mind to too many places.
25. Wow, I really need to try and pay more attention next week.
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