21. Well maybe the email hasn't gone through yet. I better check the application page just to make sure. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

23 Thoughts You Have After You Submit Your Disney College Program Application

I'm wishing... For a Disney recruiter... To contact me (to contact me) today (today).

Public Domain Pictures

Waiting for anything is rough. Maybe you just sent in a job application, and you're just waiting anxiously to find out the results. You check your email every few hours, hoping to see a specific name at the top of a new email, but still nothing yet. How long do you have to wait to hear back? Don't these people check their emails?

But If you've ever applied for the Disney College Program, you know that it's a completely different ballgame. Waiting to hear back from Disney is unlike any other job application. It's so much more important than just a job application. It can be so frustrating to wait for the response after you finally submit your application, and if you over think everything as I do, you might have some of these thoughts after you initially send the application.

1. Oh my goodness, I can't believe this is really happening.

I don't know what to do with myself.

2. I can't believe I just submitted it.

I've been refreshing the page since 11:30 waiting for it to open at noon.

3. Who should I tell? I've got to tell somebody.

Because everybody wants to know that I just applied to work at the most magical place on earth.

4. I'll just tell everybody.


5. I wonder how long I have to wait to hear back.

It's already been 5 minutes. Is that too soon to hear back?

6. I could always just check my email... Never hurts to make sure.

Aaaaaand nothing. Well that's disappointing.

7. Okay, celebratory coffee time!

But I've already got the jitters, so maybe I don't need that coffee after all...

8. Gotta tell Mom. She'll be so excited.

And of course she is! She loves Disney just as much as I do.

9. Wait, I have to tell my friends who have done the DCP.

And why not just comment it on the DCP Facebook page's photo as well?

10. I wonder what happens if I get a web-based interview.

Do they just email back and forth with you? Or is it like an online survey thingy?

11. I wonder what happens after the web-based interview.

Probably more interviews, I'm guessing.

12. I wonder where the performer auditions will be.

Oh, look! There's one just 2 hours away from me!

13. I just have to check my email again.

Still nothing? Are you serious?

14. According to this article, it could be an hour or several WEEKS before I hear back about the application...

That's a big difference in time.

15. Oh no, now I'm so nervous. What if I don't get into the program?

My life will be ruined.

16. I checked over the application 14 times before submitting it, but what if I still forgot something?

I knew I should've just put that all of the roles were high interest.

17. My entire life relies on this program working out. What if I never get to do it?

Then my friends will think they're all better than me.

18. Shoot, I just know that somebody else's application will look better than mine. Disney won't want me.

This has always been my dream. I'd do anything to make Disney want me.

19. Time to pray.

God, I know that you control everything... But could You please just control this and make it happen? Ha, I'm just kidding. But really, if it's Your will, let it happen. If not, I know that You're protecting me from something.

20. Maybe if I just check one more time for an email...

Dang it! Seriously? Maybe I need to wait a little longer.

21. Well maybe the email hasn't gone through yet. I better check the application page just to make sure.

Yep. Still nothing.

22. I wonder if anybody else on the Facebook page has applied yet.

Wait... No way...

23. That girl got a web-based interview already?! Why haven't I heard back yet? They must hate my application.

I'm a failure. I just knew it.

24. I have got to just busy myself. If I keep looking at my email, I'll never hear back.

I swear I won't look at my email again for at least an hour.

25. How about I check one last time...

We all tell ourselves that same lie.

Long story short, I'm still waiting to hear back. Best of luck to everyone who applied or is going to apply! Don't fret if you haven't heard back yet. You're not the only one. People tell me all the time that it's the chance of a lifetime, and hopefully, someday I'll get to experience it too.

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