22 Things That I Still Haven't Learned by Age 22
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22 Things That I Still Haven't Learned by Age 22

I don't know if I'll ever feel like a "real" adult

22 Things That I Still Haven't Learned by Age 22

By the time this is published, I will be 22 years old. I am hoping that some magical fairy blesses me with some form of divine wisdom on my 22nd birthday, but I doubt I'll be so lucky. I think my 22nd year will be full of blunders and mistakes just like my 21st year was. I thought I would feel like a real adult by now, but I totally don't. Taylor Swift might be feeling 22, but I feel like I should be about seventeen and a half.

In honor of 22 years of mistakes here are 22 things that I totally don't know and probably should know by now:

1. I literally have no clue how to do my taxes

All I know is that I definitely love receiving my tax return.

2. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up

Please don't point out to me that I am grown up, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.

3. I don’t know how to make my hair look cute

Genetics blessed me with a frizzy, curly, messy, mousy, mop of hair. It has looked attractive exactly 2 times in my life...both of my proms. Somebody help me before I shave my head.

4. I still haven't learned to not act on my emotions

Seriously, who decided it was a good idea to give me feelings. I get all worked up and make bad decisions way too often.

5. I am still terrible at relationships

However, I'm pretty sure that most people aren't super great at relationships. Love is meant to be messy.

6. I don’t know how to make people like me

Sometimes, people just don't like you, and you cant change their mind. You can't control how other people feel about you. But it would be nice if you could.

7. I don’t know how to iron my clothes

I know how to sew, mend a button, I know how to wash and fold, but I still haven't ever needed to use an iron in my life.

8. I don’t know how to change a tire

I have totally driven on a flat before too.

9. I don’t know what my credit score is and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask

Credit Karma my ass, let me live in this state of blissful ignorance.

10. I don’t know what other people think of me (but I care less every day)

I've stopped trying to read minds, and I have stopped reading too much into people's body language or comments. I know who truly loves me, and the rest of the world's opinion doesn't matter.

11. I don’t know what I’m doing after graduation so please don’t ask

My after graduation plans are to take a nap and maybe grab a glass of wine. But that might change since I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow, let alone six months from now.

12. I don’t know how to flirt

However, I DO know how to awkwardly giggle and avoid eye contact with you.

13. I still haven’t figured out what the perfect workout routine is

But I know that the best workouts are the ones that I actually do.

14. I still haven’t found jeans that fit me perfectly.

I have long, thin, shapely legs. They are great, they are sexy, no jeans have ever fit them properly. Not once. I have like 10 pairs of "these are good enough" jeans that are too short for my legs and are too baggy around my thighs. I've given up.

15. I haven't learned how to handle new problems without calling my mom

Thanks for putting up with me mom.

16. I still don’t have a perfect skincare routine, and still have acne at age 22

I exfoliate, moisturize, and drink water... what am I doing wrong?

17. I’m still not comfortable being totally alone

I absolutely have to have friends in order to function. I love people and like being around people. Basically, I put the "need" in "needy".

18. I am still very geographically challenged

I couldn't find my way out of a cardboard box even with my iPhone screaming directions at me

19. I still don’t know why people treat each other poorly

Maybe I'm too nice, maybe I am naive, but I try to make people's day a little brighter every chance I get. Why would you be horrible to someone on purpose?

20. I don’t know how to stop feeling afraid of large groups of teenagers

I was afraid of teens when I was a little kid, I was afraid of other teens when I was a teen, now at 22 I’m still intimidated by teenagers. Is this normal? Teenagers are scary.

21. I don't know where the time has gone!

Seriously, when did I get so old? How do I embrace the fact that I'm rapidly approaching my mid-twenties?

22. I don’t know who I am and that’s okay! We grow, change, and become different people every day.

We should all stop stressing about who we are and start seeking experiences that will help us to grow and change. If I want to learn one thing by age 23, I would like to know how to stop stressing myself out and learn to enjoy the ride.

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