23 Signs That You're A Motocross Rider
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23 Signs That You're A Motocross Rider

"When life gives you dirt, build a jump."

23 Signs That You're A Motocross Rider
Tiffany Rae Photography

No matter who you are, you have something that you love to do. For some, it's playing baseball, others like to work on cars, and some play it safe and collect Pokemon cards. For those with the need for speed, a little more guts and sometimes a bit more stupidity are the ones passionate about riding. Motocross riders laugh at anyone who calls riding a hobby because it's actually way more than that, it's a way of life. As if you're not already positive you're in love with riding, here are a few more reasons to prove your obsession with motocross is beyond real.

1. When you can't ride, you become very grumpy and tend to throw a fit.

It's almost like your version of coffee: "Please don't even consider talking to me until I can ride."

2. The night before a race you can never sleep.

1:00 a.m.: Is it time to wake up yet? 3:00 a.m.: Now? 5:30 a.m.: Screw it, I'll show up to the track early.

3. You've wrecked before, but it never stops you from coming back.

Doubles and triples may break my bones, but the words "I should stop riding" won't come out of my mouth anytime soon.

4. You spend more time washing your quad or bike than anything else.

No, mom, my homework isn't finished, my room hasn't been cleaned in weeks and I haven't touched my laundry BUT LOOK! My bike is sparkly clean!

5. All your money is spent on riding gear, gas to get to the track, parts and entry fees.

I swear, I have my priorities straight.

6. At some point in your life, you've put your riding gear on when you're not actually at the track and pretended to ride.

I think I've officially hit the low point in my life.

7. You call freshly tilled dirt, "butter".

It's moto flavored!

8. And for some odd reason, the sight of "butter" is very attractive to you.

Mmmm look at all that butter *drools a little bit*.

9. Dating someone who loves motocross as much as you is goals.

Couples that go to the track together, stay together.

10. The number one word in your vocabulary is "braaap".

Don't question it, it's the language of my people.

11. Saturday nights are dedicated to watching Supercross.

I don't really care about your Saturday Night Live, there are way more important things on TV right now.

12. You're constantly having to explain to people what motocross actually is.

"Uhm is that the thing with the dirt and the bikes?" Well, there's also quads and trikes, and there's a lot more... yeah, never mind, you won't ever understand.

13. Your other goals in life are to have your kids ride and race motocross.

Forget pee-wee soccer, you're kicking some kid's butt at the track today.

14. You refer to the people at the track as your moto family.

And every single one of them is irreplaceable.

15. You dream of owning your own private track.

With a lot of tractors, dozers, skid loaders and a water truck to build TONS OF AWESOME THINGS!

16. You love the smell of race fuel.

Just don't try smelling it for too long or you might get a headache... not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.

17. You've unnecessarily argued with someone about how a four stroke is better than a two stroke or the other way around.

At the end of it, nobody's opinion has changed.

18. You drive your vehicle like you race.

What do you mean I should slow down? Mama didn't raise no loser!

19. There is one track that is your absolute favorite, and you'll always support it.

Special shout out to Breezewood Proving Grounds, the place that I fell in love with motocross!

20. There's no greater feeling than flying.

Now the landing part, that's a completely different story.

21. The day or two after riding you feel like you're at least 80 years old.

Hold up a second, just let me get up off the couch... yeah never mind that's not happening. Go on without me.

22. You've argued that dirt bikes are better than "couches" or that quads can put down better lap times.

And in your opinion, you're NEVER wrong.

23. However, at the end of the day, you can all come together and get along over the bond of motocross.

And if you can't, then please exit the motocross community because we don't need your negativity. We are trying to keep the sport alive not tear it apart.

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