" Grey's Anatomy," a show we all know and love... Sometimes. Then Shonda Rhimes goes ahead and kills off another one of our favorite characters or puts someone in a terrible situation, and we swear we are finished watching the series. But there we sit one week later, sometimes a few months, and relive the previous episode's horror and move on to the next tragedy, because let's be real, we know it's going to happen. Now let's relive these terrible moments one more time (in no particular order):
1. When Denny dies.
Because you had been rooting for him to pull through for weeks. I mean, he and Izzie are the perfect couple. Then he proposes and you think all is good, but he dies and both you and Izzie are an emotional mess.
2. As if Izzie didn't have a hard enough time, she gets cancer!
She doesn't die, but it definitely sent your emotions on a roller coaster.
3. When George's dad dies and Cristina reveals some heavy info.
No one ever saw that bit of information coming.
4. When you finally found out who this unrecognizable patient was.
And it killed you when it actually sunk in that George was gone later in the episode.
5. When Meredith drowns.
But then you got really angry because it took her way too long to decide to live, a whole episode of indecisiveness.
6. The episode with the bazooka.
And you realize that this hospital could not have worse luck because they have a patient with a bomb inside him on top of every other tragedy to come!
7. The shooting.
This two-episode tragedy did all sorts of stuff to screw with your emotions. Derek almost died, Meredith had a miscarriage, Reed and Percy die, Percy confesses his love for Reed before he dies to Bailey, Bailey almost gets shot, Karev gets shot, Hunt gets shot, Cristina is held up at gunpoint while trying to fix Derek. This was one of the most emotional episodes by far.
8. Cristina is left at the altar.
And she didn't even want a wedding... Stupid Burke.
9. Henry dies.
As if his death wasn't enough, Cristina didn't know he was on the table and Teddy doesn't find out for hours...and it's the most emotion Teddy shows through her whole time on the show, which makes it 10 times worse.
10. The plane crash.
All hell breaks loose in this episode. Arizona practically loses her mind, and don't get me started on Sloan and Lexie.
11. When Lexie dies.
OK. I'm going to get started on Sloan and Lexie. Sloan reveals his true feelings for Lexie, and it makes you cry because then Sloan cries and all emotions are lost.
12. When Sloan dies.
As happy as I am that he gets to be with Lexie in the end, this was another sad goodbye. Without McSteamy, what is the point of the show?
13. When Susan dies and Thatcher slaps Meredith.
I knew I had no reason to like him.
14. When Jackson almost dies in the bus.
It gives you a heart attack, but he ends up saving the little girl and April ends up confessing her love for him.
15. When Jackson and April's baby dies.
All they wanted was a baby and of course there had to be complications. We've seen character deaths, but now a newborn's death? Too far, Shonda, too far.
16. When Burke returns.
Talk about plot twist. He's been gone for how many seasons and he suddenly makes a surprise appearance? You broke Cristina's heart; you don't deserve to be back.
17. The car crash and the musical episode.
As if Callie almost dying and her baby being in critical condition wasn't enough, we also got to see that every actor and actress has a flawless voice....of course.
18. Cristina leaves.
Because Meredith's person goes halfway across the world and how would that not be sad? Not only that, but our person left us too.
19. Sandra Oh's tweet to close out her time on "Grey's Anatomy."
Because this didn't make us feel any better about her leaving and we had to relive her next step in life when we checked Twitter too.
20. When Derek died.
I have no need for an explanation to why I almost stopped watching after this episode.
12 seasons later, we are still committed to the series and dreading the next tragedy...
As long as they don't kill off the scrub nurse, I'll keep watching.