19 Things No One Tells You About Publishing a Book
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19 Things No One Tells You About Publishing a Book

It isn't as easy as it looks.

19 Things No One Tells You About Publishing a Book
Chelsea Creekmore

Thought it was easy to publish a book? Wrong, completely and utterly wrong! I have worked with a publishing company for over two years now. I have seen authors through the beginning stages of writing to their one year anniversary of publication, which means I have also seen overwhelmed, joyful, and motivated individuals over these last 24 months. I have cheered them on as they achieve another milestone, I have learned all about their lives and their families, and I have been there when they sell the first copy of their book. It is a mountainous climb that few get credit for; it takes a team to write a decent book, but a family to write a stellar book. So here are some of my tips for all the writers out there who are looking to publish for the first, second, or even 10th time.

1. Don't let others put you down.

We live in an age where everyone feels entitled to give their opinion. With authors, this is no different. While some will genuinely want to help make you a success, others are motivated solely by money. Remember, money equals royalties, which makes for a happy publisher and author. Learn who your fellow friends are and lean on them for moral and emotional support.

2. Big publishing houses aren't always the best.

How many people have you met in your daily life that are "average Joes" with contracts from Harper Collins, Penguin, or Simon & Schuster? I know one. Everyone will ask you, "Well, why aren't you with a larger publishing company? Is your story just not good enough?" This is when I encourage you to politely smile and say, "Because I am a free-thinker." Harper Collins, Penguin, Simon & Schuster, etc. are all fantastic companies, but unless you are Derek Jeter or Oprah, you aren't going to get the creative energy you need as an author.

3. Assume you are a "somebody."

So many people will be shocked when you tell them you are a published author, but there will be that small group of fans who will know everything about you. To them, you are a "somebody." So maybe you aren't Nicholas Sparks, but that doesn't make you or your book a nobody, it just means you have to work harder to promote your book.

4. Social media and email are your friends.

People will want to contact you (hint: have a newsletter that you can email to them) to find out if you are writing another book, how you are doing, and if you will come speak at their next book club. But, without a website, and because you shouldn't share your personal email, where do they go? So before you start pushing your book, hire a web designer or go to WordPress and create a simple one yourself.

5. Contact info is important.

As I just mentioned, people will go home and read your book, and after, they will feel as though you are their new best friend (this is an honor). They will want to tell you from Page 1 till the end how you greatly affected them and their lives; your story will have a greater impact than you can imagine. Yet they don't know how to contact you because most publishers don't put an author's contact information on the back of the book. So create yourself some quick postcards, bookmarks, and one solid banner.

6. Don't get hung up on numbers.

People will judge you if your book signing isn't sold out, but in reality no one understands how hard you have worked for that day. So don't let their rude and often sly comments deter you from achieving your dream or focusing on larger venues. Sometimes it is better to be in a room with five people than it is to be in a room of 500 people.

7. Endorsements are key.

When you begin working with a publisher, or even if you are self-publishing, there will be a point when you realize your work is done. Yes, the writing may be done but your book is far from being completed. Endorsements help take your voice to the next level and it is crucial you start early with brainstorming and pitching.

8. Blurbs are your enemy and your friend.

Some publishers hate blurbs, and for the right reasons, while others love them. You as the author will be in charge of coming up with a sellable, two-minute speech about your book. It is a challenge to condense all of your hard work into 120 seconds but you must do it.

9. The advantages of being a bestseller.

To become a bestselling author you have to work day and night; writing is no longer just a passion, but a career. Use Traci Medford-Rosow as your example, because she has mastered the art. However, don't get defeated if your first book doesn't climb to the top. It doesn't make it any less successful. If it doesn't ever climb, then your life will be slightly less hectic, but if it does make it to the top, expect celebrity treatment. Everyone will want to be your friend, you are more likely to win a book award nomination, and people will respond to your emails more quickly.

10. Book festivals are tricky.

Be the wildcard and don't let anything hold you back. Book festivals have the potential to be a huge promotional event for you but they often require thousands of dollars and luck. So instead of pitching to random book festivals, do your research and pitch to those that only speak to your vision.

11. Be open to criticism.

I hate criticism and I know how I would react if I got criticized. It isn't fun and none of us want to be a part of it. Yet criticism, when constructive, makes us stronger. You are not running for president of the United States so don't take everything to heart. Be accepting of others' opinions and interest in this world.

12. Be prepared for personal questions.

Women, more often than men, will be asked personal questions. People will wonder how moms find time to write, if wives have their husbands' support, and whether their work is autobiographical.

13. Be careful of categorization.

This is mainly for self-publishing writers. You will find when formatting your book that you must submit categories to classify your story. When you use a publisher, they will help you to an extent, but you need to know what categories your book can fall into and which will help you reach the bestsellers list.

14. Flaws are okay.

No book is perfect; that is an impossible dream. It is OK to publish a book with flaws that you cannot correct but don't ever publish a book with flaws that should have been corrected.

15. If Barnes & Noble doesn't pick up your book...

As a writer who is interested in making a career out of their voice, you have to become a businessperson. Royalties will be the primary method you get paid from your publisher when you sell books. Royalties and their levels will be based upon the publisher, the book, and the printer.

16. You'll ask yourself, "Who am I?"

People will ask you who you are and what you do. Simple say freelance writer and they will ask no more. Once your book comes out change it to freelance writer and author. The more pride you take in your book the more people will notice.

17. Be wary of expectations.

No one can accurately predict how your book will sell. The reality is that we have seen great books never sell a lot while others excel, we have seen mediocre books excel but also fall short, and we have seen bad books do better than great books. Don't set your eyes on specific numbers but always have numbers in the back of your mind.

18. Small venues and bookings are useful tools.

Some of the most successful authors are those who capitalize on their local surroundings. Just because it isn't Radio City doesn't mean you won't be successful. Use your connections locally to leverage something bigger for yourself.

19. Don't lose your writing time.

If used incorrectly or kept captive, our minds will go mad. Writing is the greatest gift we are given as humans. You will know when and if it is time to take your writing to the next level. When it is time, remember these few things: do more research, and understand the publisher you want to work with and how to be an author and business person while continuing to write. Make your writing a priority.

In today's world, there are many paths to publishing with traditional, indie, hybrid, or self. Don't settle for anything less than greatness for your voice. Thank you to Divine Phoenix Publishing for the guidance that their team of authors and publishers have given me these past two years, and for teaching me more about writing and about sharing our stories than I could ever imagine. To contact them or inquire about publishing, publicizing, or branding your book, visit their website.

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