Need some ideas on what to do with friends today? Low on cash but still looking to have a fun time with friends? Looking for some ways that you can spend some real quality time with friends?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you've come to the right place! A as college student myself, I understand the feeling of wanting to hang out with friends and doing something cheap but fun. Here's a list of 26 inexpensive ways you can spend the day with your friends!
Sing karaoke or answer trivia questions at a resturant
This is something that my college friends and I do, and we LOVE it! Order an appetizer or two and split it amongst the party. Sing along to some of your favorite songs or answer questions for possibly some prizes! The best part about this option is that you don't even need to be good at either to have fun.
Play board games, card games, or complete a puzzle
Everyone has board games lying around! Challenge your friends to beat you in fun games like "Cards Against Humanity", "Clue", or (dare I say it?) "Monopoly"! If you like role playing games, try out "Dungeons and Dragons". If you're looking for some new games, you can check out 5 Below for some deals too.
Have a bonfire
There's nothing more relaxing than sitting around a fire with friends while roasting marshmallows for s'mores!
Go pick some strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.!
This such a great activity to do with your friends. What's great about this option is not only do you have fun picking apples, peaches, etc. with your friends, but you're rewarded afterwards by getting to eat them!
Go to the movies on discount night/ stay in and have a Netflix movie night
Check your local movies theaters to see if they hold any discount days on tickets. Often theaters will give discounts on student tickets so remember to ask! Additionally, check to see if the restaurants close to the movie theaters will give you discounts on food if you present you movie tickets.
Make a music video/ short film
Okay, this is SUCH a fun one to do. Find a favorite song and make your own music video to go along with it! If writing is more your speed, write a short drama or a comedy with friends and shoot it on your phone. Edit your video at your local library or school if you do not own one. There is a 100% chance you will create new inside jokes and memories to last a lifetime when you and your friends partake in this!
Spend some time at the park
Grab some tennis racquets, a football, a baseball, a soccer ball, or any equipment needed for the sport you or your friends are into, and have some fun at the park! If you prefer jamming out to music, check to see if there are any free park concerts you and your friends can attend.
Restyle your old clothing/ Have a fashion challenge at Goodwill
Find an article of clothing that you don't really wear anymore and restyle it! Restyling clothing can be as cheap as you want it to be, and you and your friends can get super creative with it. If you want to make this into a challenge, set a budget (IE: $10, $15), head to a store (maybe a consignment shop or Goodwill), and find clothing to make a new and improved outfit. You could also set a budget and try to flip a singular item too!
Go to the Beach!
When going to the beach, the most you really need to pay for is the parking ticket. Bring some home-made meals and snacks and spend the rest of the day swimming and tanning with friends!
Draw what you see!
Not many people think of this option anymore, but it's a good one if you're on the artsy side. Go to the center of town (or really just any place/thing that's interesting to look at) and draw what you see. You don't have to be good at drawing to participate in this at all. Paint the drawings afterwards and put them in a frame!
Taste-test new foods
If you're looking for something new and exciting on a tiny budget, taste-tests are always the way to go. Buy 3-5 sharable foods from a grocery store that you have never tried before/you would never initially consider buying. If you're up to it, record your reactions. Who knows, maybe you just found your new favorite snack?
Make a time capsule
Creating a time capsule is a unique way to spend time with friends while putting history into a box. Put in photos of you and your friends or landmarks of your town/city, write letters about your life at your age/ in your town, and add items significant to this era! Save it for a stranger to find, or better yet place it somewhere that you will have access to in years to come! (Maybe even put a $20 in the time capsule if you intent to dig it up in later years- your future self with thank you!)
Try to write a song/rap/poem/choreograph some dance moves
Similar to the film option, write something new and creative with your friends. This is a fun way to channel your creativity and have endless laughs through the process. If you like to dance, make a dance number to your favorite song!
Go for a hike, long walk, or bike ride
Spending quality time with your friends could be as simple as going on a walk with them. Find a local trail or walk within your own neighborhood and get some steps in!
Bake some desserts or have some ice-cream!
Baking desserts can be cheap and delicious (and that's a mix all of us love)! Cake mix and cupcake mix each go for as low as $1, and frosting also as low as $1. If you're feeling creative, try making your own desserts together from scratch!
Check to see if there are any festivals around!
Local festivals are always around- street fairs, car shows, and food truck events, just to name a few! If not in your area, check some places close to you, or go for a bit of a road trip!
Get tickets to see a local theatre production!
This is a great way to support your local theatres while finding doing something entertaining for a minimal cost! Theatre is great, so if you aren't sure if it's your thing, try it out with your friends for $5 a ticket!
Go french fry hopping
(This might be my personal favorite on this list!) Make a list of local fast food places near you. Once this is done, enter each drive-thru and ask for an order (or two- or three...) large French fries. Afterwards, taste test each order and see which is the superior fry! Is this just an excuse to eat french fries for- science? Absolutely.
Give each other makeovers
Pick out some cute outfits from your wardrobes while doing each other's hair and makeup! For guys, have themes that you and your friends need to dress up like- IE: Hawaiian vacation, preppy college student, secret agents, and so forth. Bonus points if you have a photo shoot afterwards!
Visit some puppies at the pound!
If you're 18+, take out a puppy to play with. The puppies love you. The puppies need you. Go visit the puppies. They're just so cute. You and your friends can't resist.
Stargaze/watch the sunset
A relaxing way to end the night and a great option if you're a nature lover. If the 2 a.m. talks are your friend group's kind of thing, try talking beneath the moon and stars. Here are some deep questions to ask your friends that nearly guarantee a closer bond by the end of the night!
Do you have any more inexpensive ways to spend time with friends? Write down below!