21 Things To Accomplish Before Turning 21
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21 Things To Accomplish Before Turning 21

I guess it's time to get my life together.

21 Things To Accomplish Before Turning 21
Brooke Killion

In honor of my 21st birthday being right around the corner, I've done some reflecting on these past 20 years of my life lately and I have realized that I have been blessed with the amount of things I've been able to do. Here's a list of just a few things every soon-to-be 21-year-old should accomplish before the big day!

1.Travel to a different country

And if you live in the U.S., Mexico and Canada do not count.

2. Vote

This year was the first presidential election that 21-year-olds have gotten the privilege of being able to vote in, and boy was it a memorable one.

3. Learn to cook

Cooking isn't exactly my forte, but I've realized my mom's cooking won't be there forever so I've tried brushing up on my skills and it's actually pretty fun. But having a few signature dishes that you kick ass at cooking will do just fine.

4. Get your heart broken (and survive it)

By 21, most girls have gone through at least one heartbreak. Although they're incredibly difficult to get through, you will get through it and in the end it makes you stronger.

5. Fail at something

You're probably wondering why I included this on the list. But, failing at things is something everyone will do. And I'm not talking about failing at something minuscule, like forgetting something at the grocery store. Learn to be ok with failing at things that mean more, like a big exam or a job interview. Failing is a part of life and will lead you to success.

6. Get out of your comfort zone

You know the old saying: "Life begins outside of your comfort zone".

7. Quit caring what people think about you

I spent a good portion of my life caring way too much about what people thought about me. I would wake up hours before class to make sure I looked like I was about to walk the runway. Today? Today I wake up thirty minutes before I need to leave, throw on a pair of leggings, a sweatshirt, throw my hair in a bun and call it good.

8. Change your hair

As girls, we get pretty comfortable with our hairstyles and our hair color, but once in awhile, it's fun to do something drastic to your hair! Chop it off, color it a crazy or bold color, or just change your style.

9. Learn to stand up for yourself

I used to be horrible at standing up for myself. I would let people walk all over me and not say anything about it. This stopped my freshman year of college. I remember I had an English class that consisted of only writing papers, and while I don't consider myself a New York Best Seller, I think I write well. However, throughout the entire semester, I never received anything higher than a C+ on a paper. I took the plunge and approached my professor about this and told him I thought he was grading me unfairly. Long story short, my final grade went from a C to a B+. You never know what could happen.

10. Be grateful for what you have

Most kids growing up take their family and what they have for granted. I am guilty of this, too. But the older I get, the more thankful I have become for the awesome family and everything I have been blessed with.

11. Take risks

Taking risks every now and then is both fun and scary. It keeps life interesting.

12. Start taking your health into account

I love pizza, chips, and cookies as much as the next 20-year-old, but sooner or later that kind of lifestyle will catch up with you. That doesn't mean you have to completely cut out those greasy or sweet foods, just try incorporating a gym routine into that a few times a week to help balance your diet out.

13. Accomplish goals

We all have at least one big goal that we want to accomplish, so try to accomplish at least some or all of them by the time you're 21! It will make you feel great about yourself and will make you want to accomplish even more.

14. Have a job

Most 21-year-olds have a job at this age, but to those of you who don't, there has to come a time when your parents quit filling up your gas tank. It was nice in high school, but we're adults now. I get that there are times when you literally don't have more than $2 in your bank account and mom and dad are your last resort, but if you have the money, suck it up and do it yourself. Having a job, whether it's fifteen hours a week or forty, gives you responsibility with budgeting, time management, and hard work.

15. Attend a concert

Concerts are easily one of the greatest atmospheres you can be in. Everyone is happy and having a good time. The good music is a plus, too.

16. Learn how to say no

I have always had a hard time saying no and although I've gotten better at it, it's still hard for me to this day. But if something doesn't make me happy or it doesn't feel right, then it's got to go.

17. Put your happiness first

This is so important to remember. Your happiness is the most important thing you have and no one can determine what or who makes you happy.

18. Take a million pictures

Pictures are SO important! They capture all the great memories you have and it's always fun coming across old pictures you forgot about.

19. Buy a car

You don't actually have to buy a car, but help pay for one. If you already have a decent car, make another big purchase like getting an apartment. Just something that helps to teach you how to budget your money.

20. Reconnect with old friends

Remember those old high school BFF's? Call them.

21. Know that it's OK to not have your life planned out

I have friends my age that are married, engaged to get married, already have full-time careers and houses, and friends with kids and families. Then there's me, struggling to get through school while working part-time, and have no idea what I am doing most of the time. But what I do know is that I'll eventually figure it out and I exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment in time.

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