Nothing gets my blood boiling more than when some idiotic, ignorant person questions the merit of a woman. My blood pressure rises, and I see red because I simply cannot fathom how someone could question the abilities, the intelligence, and the possibilities of an entire gender.
I don't know who first doubted the woman, but HE must have been an idiot.
If the past year alone hasn't shown the world what a woman endures on a daily basis and still triumphs over, then your eyes need to be opened wider. Women have every ability to be the equal of men and I'm convinced we can do a whole lot more than simply being their equals. We can triumph over so much more if only the sad patriarchal institution would just realize it.
2019 will be a new slate and a new chance for the world to stop acting like we are still stuck a time where women were secluded to the kitchen and laundry room. We never belonged there, and we will never again be subjected to stay within those confines.
I challenge the world to open its eyes, to shut down every example of sexism and ignorance, and to give every woman out there the equal opportunity they deserve. The world would be a much better place if it weren't predominantly run by people who still hold the sexist ideas of past centuries.
I learned early on that I shouldn't place too much hope on society to begin seeing clearly when it comes to the way women such as myself are treated in the workforce, in the home, and even out on the street. I don't want to hope too much that in this new year, we might begin to see some progress that is long overdue. However, I can't help myself.
This is a new year and a new chance for every close-minded ignoramus to stop spouting all of the outdated sexist nonsense. Learn from your mistakes, please.
It's getting exhausting hearing all of this bullshit.